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SAIK HUATS ROYAL GUARD nearly complete


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ALL current progress on this model is now at a hault unless someone can help me get the model to hold the saber properly! I have weighted the skeleton 5 times now and am not going to try again unless a new approach has been suggested. I hope someone can help. I you want to download the model in an attempt to fix this horrifying problem please leave your email and a message.

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It would be cool if someone could make the sounds for me otherwise the model will just use the stormtrooper sounds. I am now looking for a skinner/shader for my model so please leave some previous works and your e-mail address in this thread.

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What do you mean, hold it properly...? Upright, like in the movies, or how they hold it in the game..? Is he holding it funky..?


Also, if anyone has reference pics of the "force pike" they use, I'd give a shot at modeling it...... I've been thinking of modeling something like that for a while...





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I've started on a rather crude force pike... I'm just blocking in the relative shapes for it, then I'll be adjusting it as need be.... One question; I've never seen one being used... Does it have a glow around it like a lightsaber, or is it kinda like lightning...? I'll try to get some screenies in the next day or two...





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Heres some info on the skinner...

He made the Darth Mekanus skin and hes nick name is Nano. I cant spell his real net name but thats what his sig is. Hes a great skinner and im going to enjoy this project more with someone like that on the team. He needs to get another copy of JKII before we can start to get this model skinned as hes on vacation in the states from his home country Italy. Hes just graduated you see... He will soon be getting back to me.


GabrielXen's envolvement is interesting, maybe we could try and haggle for some screenshots off him... If he pulls it off it will polish up the project for release nicely

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Originally posted by SAIK HUAT

ALL current progress on this model is now at a hault unless someone can help me get the model to hold the saber properly! I have weighted the skeleton 5 times now and am not going to try again unless a new approach has been suggested. I hope someone can help. I you want to download the model in an attempt to fix this horrifying problem please leave your email and a message.


Progress is back on! I forgot to mention i fixed this problem and am now on the stages of getting this model skinned. I have already found someone for the skins and hopefully the distinctive hilt as well.

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You guys want just the hilt, or the whole thing...? I've got it made with the rod and all, now I just need to UVW map it.... Any idea how much of a time window I have...? lol


I've taken a couple of screenies in MilkShape showing what I have so far, but don't have anywhere to host them... Does Geocities host pics..? If not, I can e-mail them to Saik... The model is 98% done, I just have to put the little spikey things near the tip of it...*Note* - I now have it fully-functional in-game, but when I added the small spikes near the tip, it made the poly count exceed the limit... Unless I can figure out how to cut back on some of the others, it won't have as many spikes... I can e-mail people the "beta version" of it......





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Originally posted by GabrielXen

You guys want just the hilt, or the whole thing...? I've got it made with the rod and all, now I just need to UVW map it.... Any idea how much of a time window I have...? lol


I've taken a couple of screenies in MilkShape showing what I have so far, but don't have anywhere to host them... Does Geocities host pics..? If not, I can e-mail them to Saik... The model is 98% done, I just have to put the little spikey things near the tip of it...*Note* - I now have it fully-functional in-game, but when I added the small spikes near the tip, it made the poly count exceed the limit... Unless I can figure out how to cut back on some of the others, it won't have as many spikes... I can e-mail people the "beta version" of it......






OK, just register yourself with geocities and host the pictures there. Im not quite sure what the pike/rod/hilt looks like so i dont know quite what too expect. I havent got the internet back at MY own house so posts from me wont be so often. Once evey few days you should hear from me. Or you could just send it to me.



I havent heard much from my skinner/shader so i might have to look again for another guy, this should buy you some extra time for the force pike.

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I released the Single player version of this model to JKII.net so the model gets more popular and my chances of finding a skinner/shader are greater. There is most definatley an MP version and an update for the actual character still too come.

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I hope you dont mind, But I made your model work in MP, added some reflective shaders do the helm, arm sleeves and boots :D, and I also added a MP Icon for it :guard:


If any of you are intrested get it here



(Just copy and paste it, or drag it up to top bar, or address bar if the link dosnt work... STUPID TRIPOD...)


Oh yeah, and great JOB on the model. It needs a little work, but other then that it looks awesome.


Enjoy. (untill the final version comes out!)

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