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SAIK HUATS ROYAL GUARD nearly complete


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I don't think I have anywhere to host it... I don't think Angelfire will do it... I could sign up for a free hosting thing, I guess... But as for now, I've been up for about 26 1/2 hours, so I'm going sleepy-sleepy for a few hours... I should have it all situated by about 6 or 7 in the evening, my time...


Try this and see if it works... Right click and Save As... I think it will... Also, I noticed that you only see the ring of lightning when the color is set to blue... I'll fix that today...





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Nice work GabrielXen. The only thing I'd suggest is to change the hand position on the weapon to the middle instead of the bottom. Also it could probably be a bit longer. Finally, many of those effects and sounds when installed replace the default saber sounds and graphics.

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That's very cool GabrielXen! Is it possible for you to have the pike mirrored on the other side of hilt? Also, right now I'm still getting the regular saber light around it... I have to go into jedimod and make the saber glow invisible.


Do that, make it longer, and make it JediMod compatible, and it would be perfect! :) It would be even better if you could attach certain sounds and blurs to certain sabers or hilts.


The royal guard model is coming along very nicely too :)

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Okay... I'm addressing all these issues... The JediMod version will be released with the Guard model, if I can get it to work... Shouldn't be a problem... The problem will be that I'm not sure how to add the custom sounds with JediMod.. May have to ask Dest.. But I'm sure some people won't mind...


As for the regular saber light, I'm checking that too.... Anything else I may have missed will be addressed...





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Ok - here's a couple of scans from Crimson Empire - the cover of Issue 1 and a page from issue 3.


The 2-bladed weapon on the cover is what they use for most of the series. The blades extend from either end of the handle. I think in one issue it is used to deflect blaster bolts - not quite sure on this one though.


The other page is the only one I can remember where you see them fighting with the other weapon, i.e. the one you see them with in ROTJ etc, and the one which is being modelled here.


The fighting style for the two weapons seems to be quite similar.


Hope this helps:


Crimson Empire - issue 1 cover


Cimson Empire - Issue 3 stick fighting

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Well, until I get my reg code for Milkshape(should be sometime in the next week), I can't do any changing of the model itself(i.e. changing the position of where the hand goes, etc.)... That also means that the JediMod compatible model will have to wait, unless I have a few tricks left... But I did manage to add more of the graphics for the other colors of the light 'blade', whereas previously I only had them for the blue color... Redwyng, do you think you could take a screenshot of you using it to show me what it's doing..? As for the sounds and graphics replacing the default; that's the point... This version was made to be played in multiplayer without JediMod, and since I don't think there's a way to add the sounds/gfx *only* for this saber w/JediMod, I may have to take them out...:(





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I haven't played with this other one yet, but based on a comparison of sceenshots between the two, Saik Huat's looks much better.


And with Kman skins to come, I'm sure it will be the supreme interpretation of the Imperial Guard.

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Well, I've made the .roq file that I was gonna use on the shader, but I still can't quite get the hang of shaders... So, that's all I really have left to do... Actually, the whole 'animated shader' thing was just a little bonus I hoped to add to it, so it's 'optional'... I have the model completed with a rough, fairly decent skin on it, the custom sounds, and the custom blade skin, so if I don't get the shader working in the next couple of days, then I'll just officially declare the pike 'finished and ready for release'... I might upload it to my page for you to download in the next few day, so you can see it...





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Do you think you could send me the link threw e-mail? (lukegoh@yahoo.co.uk) I dont want anything released till final now, if thats ok with you?

Kmans helping me with the skins. I think he knows alot about this kinda stuff so you should ask him some questions directly. He could help you (maybe?). I would really like to see that .roq on your shader, that would make it the most complex saber to date :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, what do you know...


I go away for a few weeks, and when I come back I find out that KMan didn't do the skins...? I'm a little lost on all this, so fill me in...


And, my force pike is ready, but I haven't done the JediMod version yet... Too busy playing other games *gasp*...





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Just to clarify things-

The model (textured and all) was released some time ago. The author posted in the skinning thread to see if he could find someone to fix(redo) the uv coordinates on the model so that it could have a proper skin done for it. Arco was going to skin it, but he did not know how to unwrap the model, so he asked if I could do that. I was a bit busy at the time, but went ahead and grabbed the model. I never got around to unwrapping it, as I found the model to be of low quality and would have been a pain in the butt to work on. So I was on IRC one day, and one of the guys I know from PC was looking to learn how to unwrap. I offered and he agreed. Some time later, I asked for a follow-up and nothing was done on it. So I decided to give up on the model as I really had no interest in unwrapping that POS.

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