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Worthless force powers

Jedi Hunter2354

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(decided to post in this forum as everybody lurks here)










Mind Tricks






Grip - Worthless if its not a map with drops, a choked victim shouldn't be able to put protect on after he is being gripped, If I have a full force bar I should be able to choke 100 health out of a victim


Drain - Wow I get to use my FULL force bar, to take their Force bar, Need health, why not just get a fn health pack. This just works great since 90% of people use absorb, not. It should work like it takes a chunk of 3-4 bars out of your own force and not a hold down type like lighting, it should take all your opponents force while only taking those 3 or 4 bars of your own.



Utterly Worthless:


Dark Rage - Not only does it take about HALF your force meter, its takes 80 of your health which is ridiculous, to top it all off, your super-slow for about 10 seconds after it wears off. What a deal. Why does this have to be so worthless, I saw it used well back in backstab days (superfast backstabs, how gay but magnificent) but now since they have rightfully been nerfed rage is just worthless.


Rage should take more of your force but only take around 30 of your health.


Thats the best I could come up with about rage, if anybody thinks something else is better to improve this peice of crap, then please share with us.


Oh, and the servers where force regen is at 200 are awesome, its so gay, tedious, boring, and stupid on the regular servers. People gotta learn and put it at 200, IT ALL SHOULD BE AT 200!!

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the only thing wrong with grip is the annoying red force arm in front of the gripper


so to put it simply, grip is good.

grip them up, drop them, kick them down then DFA on the prone awaiting body...


if you only knew the power of the darkside.

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In the right hands, Drain and Grip is VERY dangerous. They're in the very strong part. Drain is much more force pool efficent than heal. Not only that, even if you don't need health, the ability to take force power from your enemy, is very useful. Saying Drain needs to be given a power boost.. is not a good idea. Infact, it's perfect the way it is. Infact, in the right hands, Drain is down right unfair to a Light sided person these days.


Drain doesn't need to be nerfed again to make it fair to a Light sided player. But Absorb needs to be modified to counter Drain. Because as is, with absorb on, you can't take their hp from the person while absorb is on, but you do still take a fraction of their force pool. Simple fix to balance this is.


1) Increase the force pool usage slightly for absorb.


2) Make absorb actually absorb the power put in by drain when used on a person with absorb on. This would be the same effect every other force attack thrown at it gets, so why is it different now?


This would make it more balanced than it is now, because a skilled Dark player can own a Light player, solely because of Drain.


As for Grip, you're right on a Lightsided player without drops, it's not overally useful. But against Dark sided players... it's a great setup move... if not unfair to a degree. Moving the person around very quickly while they're in your hands makes it almost impossible to pull/push free. So they stay till they're stunned, then they're setup for a special move.


Speed isn't very good in my opinion. I've yet to seen the advanage of this, because everything is increased in movement, including your attacks.. it makes it hard to be very good with this. I think for CTF it's great. So for that I think it's good, but as for fighting, I don't see how.


As for Dark rage, I agree, now that backstabbing is a moot point now. This doesn't have much use for the average player. But for a person who's good at counters, or fast combos, this is deadly, since the power of your attacks is almost doubled, so someone who's skilled in light/medium attacks, could in a short time of Dark Rage, kill an opponent. It'd take alot of practice, and it'd be very unexpected, but I've seen it done a few times. So this is like most "underrated powers" as it's only good in the right hands.


And as for regen force of 200. That's dumb.. becomes a healing/drain contest more than ever. I've played on some, matches are drawn out, or people just spam kick so goddamn much to try and counter the healing. The normal regen rate is fine and balanced.

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The thing is people just run from you when you have rage on and its a waste because they come back to kill you since your weaker and temporarily slower, it really is a waste no matter how you cut it.


How could absorb, absorb a draining power, technically I think the draining would cancel the absorb out kinda like rock paper scissors if you ask me.




Oh wait I got it just came to me, since absorb is absorb and drain tries to drain, they would actually cancel each other out, so the absorber wouldn't loose OR gain any force but the poor drainer would loose his force from using drain.

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Actually, Dark Rage is extremely powerful if used wisely!


You can carry a bacta tank with you to restore your health to full the instant it wears off. Plus, try using it with guns and you'll soon see why it can get you ahead in a hurry (or try it while you're running with the flag). ; )


Grip is very powerful, because it can be used to slow somebody down, which is all you really need if you want to kill them or have them be killed by your teammates. For example grip, then shoot them with the DEMP2 or something like that... IIRC protection is useless against it anyway, only Absorb does the trick, and if they're a Dark Jedi, well... they don't have that power do they?


Grip isn't intended as a killing weapon, like it was in JK1. Instead, it's a method of putting them into harms way. Sure, you can toss them into traps or off ledges, but that's only one method. As I explained, you have to setup another attack to finish them. Grip just gives them something to keep them busy while you get them ready for the kill.


Drain might seem weak, but the way it is now, it's not intended as just a way to take away their force power, it's just a way for Dark Jedi to heal. And besides, if you have fast mana regeneration (due to Force Boon usage) you're fine. Drain can't be blocked, but it does only work at close range. If they don't have a high enough level of absorb, it still drains them btw (at least it did in the older versions and I didn't think it was changed in 1.04).


Every force power has its strengths and weaknesses. I can't say much for sabers only, because I don't play that mode very much, but in FFA, all of them prove very valuable if you know what you're doing, and all can be countered.

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If a mod is on, please splice the two threads together. No offense Jedi Hunter, but one thread is sufficient. :)


As for force regen 200, I also agree that that's just stupid; all you see then are people who whore powers more than ever.


Likewise, Dark Rage is REALLY powerful if used right. Another thing you may want to try ff is Speed with Dark Rage; combine that with an imp repeater or an E-11 and you're a force to be reckoned with....


Also, view my comments on the other thread. :rolleyes:

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Dude wtf... Even though I used the light side.. The Dark side, is not that bad either.. Actually sum1 who uses the dark side, if use properly could own n1 using absorb.. Absorb doent mean that you cant atk him with force.. IN Fact, you could even use Dark rage, and atk him like crazy.. or even use drain, to negate, the absorb...

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Please note: Drain and Absorb cancel each other out, but Drain does not force the enemy's absorb to turn off. Instead, the drainer gets no health, the enemy loses no force (and gains none, either), so in essence they cancel each other out....


... but not really. The drainer is at the obvious disadvantage.


Just wanted to clarify that. :)

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One question for Dark whiners.


If Absorb were weaker or required more force to use it, what would stop dark siders from using lightning and drain and grip all day?


Need I remind you that light side only has defensive force powers, and weakening absorb makes defense impossible. Also please note that the only reason absorb became invisible is because you guys would run away waiting for absorb to run out, when you could see.


Sorry guys but you don't get to have ALL the advantages in the game.


Dark stil has the ability to take force from others and score long distance hits in saber only matches. So please don't tell me light has all the advantage.


But on another note, I agree with everythin said about how dark side powers have been nerfed. I don't like it, and I can't stand the fact that every patch has less the the one before it. Its time we start asking Raven for more from this game instead of less.

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Man, grip is awesome in a 2 vs. 2 battle. You shouldn't spam this, but one guy grips an opponent; and his teammate throws his saber or kills him in another manner.




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I just don't like how people can flip on and off absorb making it have an very very long time of use, and using it to directly counter other force and making them useless, switching it on while taking lighting or grip is cheap IMHO.


Absorb is too good, on the servers I play few people don't use absorb, yes I said that lighting spamming was cheap, but everybody using absorb and jumpkicking/DFAing people is gayer.


I still hate DFA because the hitbox is messed up, you literally need to be 10 miles away for them to miss, they can be heading for the side of you and the stupid game autocorrects them and they sort of lag jump to where it looks as if they slashed through you.


Pure gayness, if they are off and their saber misses, they should not hit you just by being close, it happends all the time and im getting annoyed by it.

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Originally posted by Jedi Hunter2354

I just don't like how people can flip on and off absorb making it have an very very long time of use, and using it to directly counter other force and making them useless, switching it on while taking lighting or grip is cheap IMHO.



To summerize you want to be able to


Lightning anyone anytime you want with out it being able to be blocked in anyway shape or form.


Grip people whenever you want to in a way that they cannot defend (by the way you can't push people that grip from behind objects, absorb is the ONLY counter)


And you want absorb to not be allowed to go on and off so as to make it easier for dark siders to just wait it out.


It sounds to me like all you want to do is make it easier on you to do what you want. hmm..




Originally posted by Jedi Hunter2354

I still hate DFA because the hitbox is messed up, you literally need to be 10 miles away for them to miss, they can be heading for the side of you and the stupid game autocorrects them and they sort of lag jump to where it looks as if they slashed through you.


Pure gayness, if they are off and their saber misses, they should not hit you just by being close, it happends all the time and im getting annoyed by it.



I am sorry to say this and I mean no disrespect but I am getting the feeling that you are kind of a sore loser. I mean first you gripe about making the lightside weak in an apparent attempt to make your life easier and now you complain about a move a slug could avoid.


The DFA should have always stayed as it was in 1.02. The only difference should have been that it not cause damage once on the gorund.


If you can't dodge a slow straight move you should wait until you get better before making game altering suggestions.


I am sorry if this seems like a flame but I can't allow anymore "patch this" arguments to go unchallenged. The game has turned into a very simplistic experience as it is now and here you are wishing to make things even easier.


The game is slower then it was. Blocking is too easy and far too powerful. There is very little outside of regular saber swings that are feasible in duel combat. Force powers, on both sides, have been weakened significantly.


Its time to put more into the game instead of taking everything out of the game that makes things "difficult." After all if you want an easy experience play SP with god mode on and stop taking away my options so that weaker players have a better chance of beating me.

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Depends on game type.

FFA = Drain blows.

Duel = Drain is one of, if not the, strongest power in v1.04 duels.


All depends on the user too.

A person who runs right up to a player and holds down the key for a long blast does it the wrong way.


A person who pays attention to their opponents Force use, then uses short blasts to keep them drained for the rest of the match (and thus unable to heal) and heal himself or herself in turn, does it the right way.



In v1.04 Full Force duels, due to the "Turn on Absorb, run in, pull/backstab, win" tactic no longer being an option, the Dark Side has actually become the dominate power.

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Originally posted by Jedi Hunter2354

(decided to post in this forum as everybody lurks here)










Mind Tricks






Grip - Worthless if its not a map with drops, a choked victim shouldn't be able to put protect on after he is being gripped, If I have a full force bar I should be able to choke 100 health out of a victim


Drain - Wow I get to use my FULL force bar, to take their Force bar, Need health, why not just get a fn health pack. This just works great since 90% of people use absorb, not. It should work like it takes a chunk of 3-4 bars out of your own force and not a hold down type like lighting, it should take all your opponents force while only taking those 3 or 4 bars of your own.



Utterly Worthless:


Dark Rage - Not only does it take about HALF your force meter, its takes 80 of your health which is ridiculous, to top it all off, your super-slow for about 10 seconds after it wears off. What a deal. Why does this have to be so worthless, I saw it used well back in backstab days (superfast backstabs, how gay but magnificent) but now since they have rightfully been nerfed rage is just worthless.


Rage should take more of your force but only take around 30 of your health.


Thats the best I could come up with about rage, if anybody thinks something else is better to improve this peice of crap, then please share with us.


Oh, and the servers where force regen is at 200 are awesome, its so gay, tedious, boring, and stupid on the regular servers. People gotta learn and put it at 200, IT ALL SHOULD BE AT 200!!


You are totaly right!! i hate it when people put absorbe on after i start choken them!!!!

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You want grip to drain 100 percent of a life bar fully charged and unblockable or uncounterable.


If they did that I'll see you back here complaining how you got gripped all the time.



It should work like it takes a chunk of 3-4 bars out of your own force and not a hold down type like lighting, it should take all your opponents force while only taking those 3 or 4 bars of your own


Again If this was done I'd see you back here complaining how all people do is grip and Drain all day because I guarantee you will run into somebody faster on the keys then you and with the changes you described all a person would have to do is drain grip and throw and you would be dead. And all they would have to do is press three buttons.


It sounds like you got spanked by a light sideror you want to look like Vader in multiplayer...it's not the movies.

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Originally posted by Lord_PhilMil


You are totaly right!! i hate it when people put absorbe on after i start choken them!!!!


Yeah!! I mean, shouldn't I win ALL the time, I am after all the greatest Jedi that ever lived. You know what else I hate, I hate it when I swing at someone and they move out of the way, I mean what kind of of "ghey" stuff is that! They shouldn't be able to move back before I hit them!


RAVEN can you fix this, cause if you don't these swing dodgers are going to ruin the game!


(*sigh* I have sunk to a new low)

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

Man, grip is awesome in a 2 vs. 2 battle. You shouldn't spam this, but one guy grips an opponent; and his teammate throws his saber or kills him in another manner.





Or you can play "Jedi Pinata".

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Originally posted by FatalStrike


Yeah!! I mean, shouldn't I win ALL the time, I am after all the greatest Jedi that ever lived. You know what else I hate, I hate it when I swing at someone and they move out of the way, I mean what kind of of "ghey" stuff is that! They shouldn't be able to move back before I hit them!


RAVEN can you fix this, cause if you don't these swing dodgers are going to ruin the game!


(*sigh* I have sunk to a new low)



lol nice1 dude... LMAO

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