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Joining this clan is a strategy

Darth Kiil

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:sprobe:Notice to anyone searching for a clan. We, The New Sith, are in search of new members. But wait, we are no mere newbies. The New Sith has been around for over 4 years, since our creator Legend split with his former clan, The Galactic Empire. Loyalty, fun, and competition are dominant themes in our clan and we are willing to accept any who possess the same. Check us out at http://thenewsith.bravepages.com , http://thenewsith1.proboards4.com , or email me at darth_kiil@hotmail.com.


Until later, may the force be with you.


And may I remind people that since going into a game with a clanmate greatly increases your chances of victory, thus, joining a clan is a strategy.

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will you give it a rest?



the idea of dividing it up is to decide where the post best fits and post it there



now, where does clan recruiting best fit



a) yoda's swamp

b) clan recruiting

c) valley of the jedi

d) multiplayer strategy center



seems kind of obvious to me






this clan has been advertised twice here! give it a rest!

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Originally posted by Xzzy

wow talk about a moron.


Personally I'd be wary of joining any group that felt a need to advertise itself.. much less do it in an inappropriate forum.




glad we're on the same team here;)


*clicks the little button that says report post to moderator*

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