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Ranking Question.


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OK, I got a question that I think hasnt been addressed yet.


Now Im new to MMORPG's, for the last 3 years i've been playing 1st person shooter (Rainbow Six Seires) games. the 1st person shooter online community has really gone to **** (excuse my language, but its true), all people do now is cheat, and act like fags to other players...its like if you dont play 6 hours a night with your cheats, you sux and your a newbie...So i decided to find me a new game and I chose SWG b/c Im a hardcore SW fan. With all this in mind, I don't really know how MMORPGs are played with the rankings...in my past games we had ladders where we played matches against other clans for rankings. So that brings me to my question.


How will players/pa's be ranked in SWG? Will there be some type of ranking ladder based on your skills or something? What will rankings be based on, skills, credits, what? If so, will there be different rankings for diffrent professions? Like would i say, "I'm the best droid maker on this planet"! Who does this ranking, Lucasarts, station.com? Just gimmi a run down of the ranking system in genral...


You players from other MMORPGs can probably answer my questions. Sorry for i sound like a "newbie"...Im new to MMORPGs...



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No need to apologize on this forum. You'd get a tougher time had you been posting over at the Station. :D


I really don't know if they have a system for that. SWG doesn't work like other MMORPGame does.


I think you'll just have to spread the word yourself, or others do it for you, like in real life.


Like, let's say you do make better stuff. One guy/gal tells another and that person tells his/her friends and so on, and pretty soon you're known as the best of the best, and been put on multiple fan and PA sites for it. :)

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Welcome to the forums man. I know what you mean about

FPS, but you should try Jedi Knight 2 : Jedi outcast, truly a great

game with a seemingly nice community.



Now, onto your question. Well I think the way things like that

will work is TITLES. Yep I read on the FAQ that you will be given

titles to go alongside your name to show people that you mean

bussiness or that you play this game nonstop and have all

the items or something like that. For me too, SWG will be my

first MMORPG but I dont see it as that really, to me SWG seems

like an almost totally new genere, but Im possibly wrong.

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thx for your input.


and the sad thing is...I bought Jedi outcast..only to get home and find out it doesnt run on my crappy pc :swear:...so i ordered a new one...be here in 15 more days :syoda:



which brings me to my next topic...wanta bid on a 466mhz,256ram,12gb pc on ebay? lol

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I would not go so far as saying that SWG is a totally new genre. So far, there's not even enough for all this "second generation MMORGP" b-**** that people call every new MMORPG (they used the same words about AO, and DAoC, Shadowbane, Horizons). Basically, we have a standard MMORPG where the skills of a character is put in focus, instead of exp and levels. A good idea, but nothing groundbreaking. And not the first time ever. Level and class-less roleplaying games have been around for more than 20 years.


To me, it's more of a good example of putting together something from a lot of products on the market, add niftier graphics, and put it in a new package. Misunderstand me right: I like it. From what I've seen, SWG will handle a lot of issues that makes other MMORPGs boring after a while. But a totally new genre? Only if you haven't played MMORPGs before :D!


It all boils down to this: Verant knows what didn't work in EQ. And you can bet your ass they studied every other MMORPG on the market for what didn't work in those games. Then they learn from it. So, hopefully, we will never, EVER see a game where you will have to sit down for 15 minutes to regain all your mana again. Evolution.


It's a proven fact that you NEVER, EVER want to be the first. The first product in most genres flopp, or simply never go even to what it cost to produce the idea. What you DO want is to be the second, learn by the mistakes of the first, and get all the creds. It's been so forever, and will continue to be so. In a world where Thomas Alva Edison gets the credit for inventing the lightbulb, everything is possible!

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Originally posted by ding

. the 1st person shooter online community has really gone to **** (excuse my language, but its true), all people do now is cheat, and act like fags to other players...its like if you dont play 6 hours a night with your cheats, you sux and your a newbie...So i decided to find me a new game and I chose SWG b/c Im a hardcore SW fan.


So they act like homosexuals to each other? Are you sure about this?

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