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Help With Sound! Please!


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I have just finished everything on my map and wanna add som sound...I found whay I needed..BUT when I tryed to insert in the Jk2Radiant it wont go...I have made speakers with the path sounds/stt.mp3 since I have it in a pk3 file I think it should work!!!!


Its so annoying..there aint no sound at all....Anyone knows what's wrong?? :(


Need help soon.....


Thx In Advance!!!!!!

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Uhm for kengo: Have read it over and over and over again....



For idontlikegeorge: I have placed them all over the creeping map gave them the value:





Figured since they are in a pk3 file it would browse it direclty.....

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One thing i've noticed is that for some reason, those things never seem to work in mp.


But for aguments sake i'm going to guess i'ts a sp level.:)


Seeing as you've read rich's tut i can only assume that you have the entity set up correctly. But here are a couple of points that you can check for.


First of all if it's a sound you want to play all the time make sure that the "looped on" box is ticked.


Secondly make sure that you DONT have both the "global" and "looped on" boxes ticked or it wont work.


If it still dosent work i would guess thats it's a problem with the pk3 file itself, make a file called sound under you're "base" folder and place your sound in there.


If you still cant hear it then make sure it has the correct volume, when using custome sounds for my level i had to scale the volume up a hell of allot.


Hope this helps:D

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Originally posted by darth_micke

Well Eagle it IS a MP map..


However, I was told by the almighty Rich himself that it should work......



Uhm how do u scale up the volume???




If rich said they work then they do:D


I've never really tried them properly in mp before so i must've mucked up one of the commands when i did put one in:D:D


To up the volume you could always use a program like goldwave



Although even if the volume was low you should still be able to hear it a little.:)

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Uhm very observant Eagle :p

Yes its custom...

And why the HELL do I need a progg to turn up the sound?! Thats rude! Only thing I hear is some disturbant **** in the background...might be that the sound os that low...hmm...but why should I need a app for that???



:biggs: - Robe 1, over and out

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Originally posted by darth_micke

Uhm very observant Eagle :p

Yes its custom...

And why the HELL do I need a progg to turn up the sound?! Thats rude! Only thing I hear is some disturbant **** in the background...might be that the sound os that low...hmm...but why should I need a app for that???



:biggs: - Robe 1, over and out


I dident mean to offend you:(


I'm just trying to cover all possibilities to try and give you an idea of what the problem might possibly be.


There may be an easier way to up the volume on the sound file but goldwave is just the program that iv'e been using on my custom sounds:)

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Ehm sry if u took it that way.......I didnt get offended....Im just so tired of this.....(had this problem over 3 days)......


And Im about to go crazy....



I'll check out the app later.....just got one thing to try.....maybe it solves it...




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