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Tolkien-ish mod - she-elf WIP


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Originally posted by nucular_jedi_14

ur models are the shiznit! BTW could u put ur elven archer model in JO?



Just to clarify, the Elven archer is NOT mine; that's JackNeil's work - he just gave it to me for reference.


As far as getting them in game. . .?? I'm not sure when this mod will come out. The website has a "Progress" page - it looks like it'll be a while yet. (especially if I don't know how to move ahead with these models! :)


P.S. Oh YEAH! For SURE I used tuts! I'da been up the creek without them!

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*sigh*. . . . still no luck hooking up with the team leader (JackNeil) on how to get past the next stage with the models I've started.


. .. So.. .. as per usual, I started on a new one! :) An elf warrior. I pulled, stretched, folded, and tweaked some more the elf-maiden. . . and came up with something new (still not sure about that "headdress/armour"):




(revised: )





Here's a link to another thread here in the forums concerning LOTR:


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Hmm. I segmented the elf-maiden model into 9 different parts (no caps yet), and looked at some tutorials - especially the stock Gmax tutorial Re: UVW Mapping and Unwrapping. I applied a checkered texture. . .



. . . and was able to "successfully"? (? ) map the left arm (I'll probably just copy it to the right arm later).




I tried the hand and the head . . . WOAH .. . . WAY beyond my knowedge level there. How do I do this? ALL of the parts I UVW Mapped as "cylinders". The arm was hard enough - even though it's almost a true cylinder. The parts that have deep crevices and such I suppose are murder.


Any suggs? (or links?) Thanks!

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*sigh* I hope you've read the whole thread, ep2 anakin. also, here's another thread about LOTR models.


I'll paraphrase: Journey into the Dark is NOT a TC for The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings. It WILL (possibly - and hopefully) be a TC for elements of The Silmarillion - a book JRR Tolkien wrote that takes place Ages before LOTR in Middle Earth (and even BEFORE Middle Earth/Arda for that matter). The ONLY reason it MIGHT NOT bear the "Tolkien" or "Silmarillion" name would be for copyright reasons. I certainly hope it WILL bear that name - and follow the ancient characters of Beleriand (the ancestors of Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, etc.)


Actually, I am much more thrilled about a Silmarillion mod than an LOTR mod - simply because it's never been done before (kind of like Knights of the Old Republic :) )




Grafox! Great to have you on the team. I downloaded that Wolfsblade movie. WOW. That helps! Thanks, and I'm glad to have you on the team. I couldn't find your email/ICQ/MSN addy in the INTERN section of our site. PM me with that info, k?

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Hey, great idea! We get to see the LOTR-era stuff on the big screen and all over the place in merchendising, etc. Silmarillion stuff is a great idea! If nothing else, you have THOUSANDS of years to play around in and find the perfect setting, and lots of stories/characters. Something that might be cool is having Elrond as either a supporting character or the main character, since he was around even back then, and he rocks! :D That Elf Warrior you showed the other day is a good likeness :D

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Hey Frumpus! So you say you're making this mod based on the elements of the Sillmarillion? Well if you need any help let me know b/c I've read that book and I know just about almost anything there is to know in the Silmarillion. :D


It would be awesome to have the hundreds of Balrog/elf battles again. Especially as a mod!!!!! :D

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Hey Vampire (or any other interested party); I assume you've already visited the Journey into the Dark site: http://jitd.fragland.net/


Check it out if you want to be involved in the project, and email JackNeil at JackNeil@gmx.de He's the guy in charge of the project.


I know we still badly need people skilled in skinning, but if you want to help in any way, I'm pretty sure we can use you.





On a modelling note, I've got a mapping question:

I'm UVW Mapping/Unwrapping the left hand ( http://jitd.fragland.net/php/upload/kram/elfmap1.jpg ) I tried to separate the map into 2 parts (or maybe up to 5 for the fingers).


Do I need to Detach the faces not mapped yet into NEW objects/elements first? Everytime I want to move on to the next part (i.e. the thumb/index finger map), it screws up the existing map of the palm/top of hand. Any suggs?


Once I learn how to do all this for the FIRST time, it'll be SOOOO much easier to work on the goblins, orcs, the elf-warrior, Balrogs (;) . . we'll see ), etc.

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thx that you make straight the problem with the story.

Stockzieh is still working on the english version.

We will post the introductory history on our website and all teammembers will get the complete story if they want.

I think you will not be dissapointed. We planned the story over a half year and the action and riddle parts are well balanced.


Sorry but i can not help you with the skinmap. Up to now i mapped only small things like map-objects.




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Originally posted by Frumpus

*sigh* I hope you've read the whole thread, ep2 anakin. also, here's another thread about LOTR models.


I'll paraphrase: Journey into the Dark is NOT a TC for The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings. It WILL (possibly - and hopefully) be a TC for elements of The Silmarillion - a book JRR Tolkien wrote that takes place Ages before LOTR in Middle Earth (and even BEFORE Middle Earth/Arda for that matter). The ONLY reason it MIGHT NOT bear the "Tolkien" or "Silmarillion" name would be for copyright reasons. I certainly hope it WILL bear that name - and follow the ancient characters of Beleriand (the ancestors of Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, etc.)


Actually, I am much more thrilled about a Silmarillion mod than an LOTR mod - simply because it's never been done before (kind of like Knights of the Old Republic :) )


*sigh* i didn't read the whole thread, i just saw tolkein, elf, and the elrond facial model (looks exactly like him i might add, the mouth is what makes it perfect) and was wondering what was happening, i didn't expect journey into the dark to be a TC for LOTR, i didn't know it was going to be a TC, hell i don't know what silmarillion is so i was just wondering if LOTR models were going to be made or not, because the other LOTR model thread is not what it's supposed to be (at least when i checked last) and this modeler has some SERIOUS TALENT, if you get someone to skin these as well as you modeled them, they'll be the best models ever made, and hey, legolas is pretty old huh? we don't know when he came around but he did, and it wouldn't be too hard to edit one to make him would it? *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey again.


Thought I'd give an update on the model( s) I'm working on.


I'm plugging away at getting this elf-enchantress mapped - she's almost done.


On a different note, I was thinking about how much I HOPE Peter Jackson includes the bit about the Druedain (a.k.a. Pukel-Men, Wild Men of the Woods), and I've been reading Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales". I started to model one out of one of the goblin meshes I'd made a few weeks ago. It helps me to model them nude first to get the bone structure/proportions correct (it's hard to do for something that doesn't exist :) ) Here it is:




It's out of my heard (I sort of envisioned them as prehistoric man when reading LOTR and Unfinished Tales), though I'm probably "unconsciously" influenced by the Hildebrandt Brother's depiction of Ghan-buri-Ghan (though theirs is QUITE inaccurate). .. my Mom had the Tolkien calender when we were growing up:



(see right column near bottom of page)



Well, I need a fresh perspective. The feet aren't re-done yet, but . . . here's what I gleaned of their existance from Unfinished Tales and The Return of the King:



Druedain (Sindarin) / Drugs / Wild Men of the Woods / Woses / Dru-Folk / Drug-folk / Pukel-men / Oghor-hai (Orcish) / Ruatani (Quenyan)____________________________________________________


-history: ancient and primitive Atani (Men); possibly the first Men to cross northwest over the Anduin (possibly between Mordor and Gondor) in the First Age , originating from the south of Mordor. Befriended the Haladin (people of the she-warrior, Haleth) and were among the first Men to cross over Ered Lindon (Blue Mountains) into Beleriand - in Ossiriland. Travelled west even to the crossings of the Teiglin (where their carvings - the "watch-stones" can be seen) and into the forest of Brethil; mostly stayed within their own lands/peoples or the people of Haleth (much like the Hobbits and Men of Bree live together). Served as excellent and loyal guards for Haladin. Hating Orcs above all else (Orcs fought and tortured them). Orcs fear the "watch stones" and will flee unless in great numbers.


In the Second Age few went to Numenor (with the Haladin, their friends), because "they dreaded the sea", but "foresaw" Numenor's downfall, and began to leave the island early, one by one, or in twow or threes - before it fell into wickedness, and into the sea. Persecuted by the Numenoreans on their return (in the land west of Isen). Later hunted/persecuted by the Rohirrim in Gondor/Rohan. (They thought the Drugs to be related to Orcs)


-appearance: A little taller than Hobbits, but otherwise not at all like Hobbits; a bit like Dwarves in stature and endurance: stumpy, clumsy limbed (arms and legs), broad chests, fat bellies, heavy buttocks. According to the Elves and other Men(Atani), they had "unlovely faces": wide expressionless faces, deep-set black eyes (hard to tell the pupils from the irises) which glow red when angered, flat noses, wide mouths, sparse lanky hair (NOT like Hobbits' abundant, close curls). No hair lower than the eyebrows, except a few men who had a tail of black hair on the chin (i.e. Ghan-buri-Ghan's "hairs of his scanty beard straggled on his lumpy chin like dry moss").


-character and society: secretive, suspicious of other peoples, stealthy, silent - even in war, extremely patient! Able to sit in stillness cross-legged (with hands in laps or on knees, or arms-crossed) on the ground for days without end - looking like statues (much like the "watch stones" they carve). "'Wild Men go quick on feet,' said Ghan." Very skilled in painting with pigments and carving wood/stone to make toys, tools, weapons and Art. Used "flint" tools even before metalsmithing became commonplace. Able to imbue some "magic" into the stones to protect the people the stones "watch over" and to scare away enemies ("transferrence" magic similar to Sauron and the One ring - but to a much lesser degree). Excellent trackers, hunters; skilled in use of plants and healing (especially Orc wounds). Used drums to communicate over long distances. Very frugal people - only eating when needed and only drinking water. Very rich and rolling laugh - no malice or scorn in it. Vocalize a shrill "whistle" to alert others (loud and painful when to hear); otherwise, deep, gutteral voices. Spoke few words (able to speak the Common tongue, but "haltingly" - to converse with the Sindar and other Men.)


-Used tents/shelters around the base of trees, but VERY hardy and rugged people, needing very little shelter. Many of the women were warriors (like the people of Haleth) Keen eyes; Exceptional ability of smell: "boast that they can smell an Orc farther than a Man can see one," and could follow a scent for weeks - except through running water. Forbid the use of poisons on ANY living creature - except Orcs; they use poisoned "darts" to kill Orcs. Wore high buskins (boots?) with laces for very rough, thorny country. Otherwise, wore skirts of grass about the waist (i.e. Ghan).

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