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CTF Strategies??


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Anyone got a link to some good CTF Strategies? Or maybe you can just tell me some?


I usually play either NF Duel or occasionally Saber-Only Force-Enabled CTF... But lately I've tried to branch into Full Weapons Force-Enabled CTF... and having one hell of a time trying to be successful.


Using the light-saber is no problem. Saber vs Saber, I can take on most people w/o too much trouble. And my aim-with guns is just fine. This is all fine and dandy if the only point to CTF was to kill people... but the real point is to cap the flag, of course.


So, I'm usually pretty defensive. I like to play Defense in these types of games. But I'm having a hard time trying to defend against people. I have no real problem trying to kill people when they want to fight... but most people (who grab the flag) just run the hell away... using Force Speed, or using that shield barrier, etc.


That's fine, its a legit strategy. But is there a decent counter? I can't seem to stop enough of the attackers in CTF. If I go to chase down the guy with the flag, chances are there are 1 or 2 of his buddies just chillin' on our flag-podium, waiting for me to kill the guy with the flag, so they can re-take it, and run to base.


I can only stop so many people. I can set up those trip mines, or those det packs, or grab a rocket launcher, etc... but eventually I run out of ammo, and there isn't much I can do. Force powers are pretty much worthless with the exception of Speed, since 90% of people on offense use Force Absorb.


So the problem, in short, is:


If I stay at base and try to kill invaders, someone runs past our defenses with Speed and takes the flag.


If I go to chase the person with the flag, more invaders come and sit on our podium, waiting to re-take the flag.


And during this whole time I need to have plenty of ammo, so I have to go around base and get ammo for the better weapons... like the Rocket Launcher and the Repeater... which leaves everything undefended again. *sigh*


Hints? Tips? Strategies? I'm not a complete newb to JK2... I know how to use all the weapons, force powers, and items... I just can't seem to win in CTF though.




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written during 1.03, but some of it still applies




an article written by intoxictd that i put on my site (with his permission)


as you said, all you really have to do is grab the flag and run like hell now...what you need in this situation is some allies to stay back at your base and make sure that nobody stands there...unfortunatly that's not the way it usually works...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, first of all where is the rest of your team :( It's tough to do it alone, but there are things you can do. I am only going to focus on the defensive side of things here.


1) Try to always have power left to speed after them.


2) If you are trying to stop someone with protect and speed, your best bet is obvioously to pull them to their doom. Usually this is very easy if you are on one of the two levels with drops. If they make it to your position, pull their gun away. At the very least you will be less likely to get killed and you can keep harrying them. If you have to, just keep pulling them until you are out of juice. This buys time for more teammates to show up who may have lightning, or just buys time until their power runs down. Then you peg them. Of course, if you are dark side and have lightning this works well too. But I find just slowing them up significantly is the best tactic. There have been times that I've just blocked them physically in a narrow passage and this can keep them from getting away while their powers are still running.


3) If they are using Absorb, guns work just fine. I actually like the good old fashioned blaster on auto to the back. It sucks when they are facing you, but if you are speeding right behind them they won't be blocking you and will go down pretty quick.


4) Know the maps. Know the routes they like to take and cut them off. Plant mines, throw up a force field and make them pause or turn around, drop in front of them and try to kick them down. Most tactics are particular to the maps, and it just takes practice, but hopefully this can help ya a bit.

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One strategy: Memoize the maps. You will such an easier time doing anything if you memoize: Every ammo deposit, where all the pickups are (bacta, shields, health),and where every gun is.

You should have no problem finding ammo if you do this.


Talk your teammates into putting assult sentrys neer your flag. Space them out and hide them behind collums and ect. This will surprise to flage catcher. And, with multiple setrys, they will be very hard to kill.

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