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Tweaking GeForce 4 4200

Walwi Makno

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Anyone know of any good tweaking guides for the GF4? Here's my setup:


PIII 500Mhz

320MB Ram

GeForce 4 Ti 4200 64MB

Win98 SE


I know my processor isn't the best, but I'm having trouble getting decent framerates in parts of JK2. Like outdoors, for example, get's about 10-15 fps. In bigger indoor rooms, 40fps. And in most places, it just about goes through the roof. In most of the multiplayer maps it stays between 30-80. If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


Oh, btw, it seems to make no difference if I turn down the resolution or the graphics settings.

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Go over to http://www.3dspotlight.com and http://www.guru3d.com for some guides and a few choice tweak programs. I am sorry to say that with a 500mhz processor you should have got a cheaper Geforce 3 TI200. Your fps would have been nearly identical because of the cpu scaling factor, so no amount of tweaking will really get you the fps you are looking for. But try those sites anyway.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

try uncapping the maximum framerate, com_maxfps 200 this gave me 50 frames a second more instantly and also resolved slowdown issues.


Yes this is true but remember that the more fps you want the more things you drop inmp..set it to 125 for best results.

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