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Peguins, Polar Bears & Pussy Cats

Darth Eggplant

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the day when the world discovers

'grey media'

the art and science

of turning people's dreams

into movies for people to watch

and enjoy will be the day

when I might finally be able

to make some money.


thursday july 18th 2002

tell me about bed,

tell me about your dreams;

I have slept most this afternoon.

because I had this crazy mobius

loop dream last night.

went to bed at 12:35

which is early for me

and was really tired

and looked forward to falling asleep

real fast for once,

which I did,

but then I had this wierd

repeating dream

where I kept waking up

every 45 minutes.

and it kept repeating itself.

same mobius dream,

again and again and again.

the good thing about it

was this however:

I got to go to the south pole


on an ice breaker tug-barge

with Jose and the Pussycats.

and once there we helped a group

of silly but serious scientists

record the famous

southern auroa borealis

which only happens once a year

when the planet shifts

and the south pole goes

from total darkness

into total light.

the borialis lasts less than a minute;

about 45 seconds it seems

and it was spectacular!

I got to see it 6 times last night.

the goofy imperial

and academic scientists

did not want to see it

with their naked, unaided eyes,

first they claimed

that you could not look at it

because it would harm your eyes retinas.

then after schepticism

on the part of myself

and the Pussycats,

they admitted that watching

the Antarctic Auroa Borealis,

would do no harm to a person

if they saw it;

however they were puzzled,

even mystified as to WHY?

anyone would want to see

such a sight themselves in person.

silly scientists!

the southern Borealis was magnificent!

and even after I saw it

for the fifth time,

I was just as moved a

nd impressed by it.

Valerie, one of the three Pussycats'

caught the fancy

of one of the scientists,

and she persuaded him

to come out into the open night air;

and see the lightshow for himself.

and together they watched

the southern borealis, hand in hand;

and then after the scientist

and Valerie kissed each other

as night became day

and the south poles

peroid of total daylight began.

and then Melody got me

to help her open up the cargo hold

of their ship, and out came 100's

of polar bears,

yet none of these polar bears

were dangerous,

and none of them wanted to kill

and eat the resident penguins

who nest and live in Antarctica,

because Melody supplied all those

polar bears with Gary Larson's

"FAR SIDE" comics, during the trip

to the south pole,

and when the polar bears were released,

Josie and the Pussycats

gave a performance,

and all the penguins,

the polar bears,

the scientist, and myself

danced to their music;

and then the remaining scientist's

joined us on the surface

while Josie and the Pussycats

were performing

and they suddenly began to realize

that watching the southern borealis

on their scientific equipment

was not the same as watching it

with all your human senses,

and they regreted having missed out

on seeing it.

However anxious not to miss out

on anything more in life,

the scientists joined in dancing,

and Josie and the Pussycats

continued playing

and the party was great.

and we never once ran out of ice!

but they learnt that seeing

an antarctic aurora borealis

(however there was no coca cola

in my dream, the polar bears

did not seem to have brought any

with them which was a pity.)

But I did get to see

the southern Aurora Borealis

six times in one night,

which is six times more

than most people ever get to see

in an entire lifetime.

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