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I play jedi knight II since 10days but there are things that i still cant master!


how do u kick?

how do u throw someone to the ground?i try with PUSH level3 but pusshes them far but doesnt throw them to the ground


what are the best moves with yellow stance?


thx a lot

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to kick you need to be close to a person then double tap the jump button. if you want to get someone on the ground you have to pull them when they are close to you. the best move with the yellow stance is backsweep. dont pull backstab, it's cheap. and you can't knock your opponents lightsaber away in MP. lunge is a light stance move. press forward, crouch, and attack at the same time.

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greedo pretty much covered it... leelinks has a neutral force guide at twins of doom's site about knock downs etc, i think, if you want to know all the factors in details...too lazy to type. basically if they hit something when pushed or pulled, they'll go down.


you can also side kick by strafing in2 your opponent and press jump, does 20 armour penetrating damage. Kicks can also give you a chance of knock down, as does winning a saberlock.


backsweep and backstab is pretty much useless now in 1.04 patch, can be down by pressing back+attack when some1 is behind u. pull is used to knock some1 on the ground before using this lethal move in 1.03


you can do a yellow dfa if your opponent is infront of you and press forward jump attack at the same time, use it as a durprise and dun spam it as it can be counted very easily.


there are some mods on the internet which offers the ability to knock sabers away when they are thrown at you, e.g. jediMod

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