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Map Request - Star Trek

Hanch Saode

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I was thinking about maps, and realized that I never have seen a map based on anything related to ST...


So, I then kept thinking....what would be an good thing in ST to model??


Then it came to me....Capital Ships interior....mm?


I'd love to walk around in the insides of an beautiful and movie-true Star Trek Capotal ship....Enterprise for example....


Would that be possible (guess it would) and would some be curageous enough to start mapping this??

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boy that would be a nice flame war.


star wars fans and star trek fans usually don't get along.. they spend most of their time trying to prove the other fantasy world is stupider than theirs. :p


i for one wouldn't 'get' the logic behind fighting with sabers on a federation starship.


I don't get fighting with sabers on matrix-themed maps either, but they also exist so I guess there's no accounting for people's tastes.

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No, kidding--but seriously--if you like Star Trek--Raven is currently developing a Star Trek shooter based on the Outcast Engine--or Q3, Im not sure--and It's lookin pretty good. (for a ST game = p )


I saw it at E3--Im pretty sure you could find some pics if you look.

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Firstly, I can't worry about thise poor souls that hate Star Trek, and love Star Wars....that's not my problem....so I see no need to say, or make this post a flame post....whatever...


Secondly, yeah...buy EF2....but...I don't want EF....I like JK2...and also, since there have been made quite a few ST skins, I didn't think that the idea of a map would be that far out...but I guess I was wrong :(

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Originally posted by Xzzy

boy that would be a nice flame war.


yep, I used to go to the ravenboards elite force forums before JK2 came out, and I think star wars fans are much more open minded than star trek fans. When JK2 was released everyone there would bitch, moan, cry, complain, etc anytime somebody wanted to say something about JK2. They all cried so much that the moderators eventually banned discussion of JK2 related topics from their forum (it's in one fo the first sticky posts there). That's when I left for good and came here.


BTW, anyone wondering what happened to Commander Antilles, he went back to the elite force forums. I just checked out the forum there the other day and he had a whole bunch of posts there under his original name of "Agent007".

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I too would like to see a few Star Trek maps, and since I don't particularly like Voyager I'm not going to go out and buy Elite Forces. Personally I think it would be a lot of fun running down the DS9 Promenade cutting up stormtroopers, but I imagine I'm the only one.

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