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Death to Unwrapping!!!


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Ok guys,


I'm going to kill the guy who created model unwrapping. I have been trying to unwrap my saber for about, well, forever and still havent gotten any further than before. Gmax is a great modeling program but when it comes to the topic at hand, I feel like blowing it up. I've asked this question a few other times, all with great answers (and thanks to the guys who helped) but they all turned up to be dead ends. If anyone knows either 1. a better way to way to unwrap in gmax 2. where I can get an Ultimate Unwrap 3d clone or even the original that I dont have to shell out $30 for or 3. someone that will make the mesh for me and walk me through it so I dont have to ask again, that would be awsome.


Thanks again guys. I'm just writing this but I know you guys will help. Thats what makes this board great!



Here is my WIP (copy and paste guys)


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Hey Kman, I tried out that video and it didn't have picture or sound. Do I need any particular codec?


There're two models out right now that are absolutely at a stand still, so I figured I'd at least make an attempt at learning this so I can help them out.

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