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Voice Actors Needed for "Catacombs of the Massassi"


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My current JO project is a SP level (hopefully one in a strand) called Catacombs of the Massassi. This is a rather long SP mission that relies heavily on a story-line that I hope to develop with later SP missions, and because it relies heavily on a story-line, I need voice actors.


I do not want to spoil the story for anyone who wishes to be surprised—so I will not disclose much info on it just yet—but for those interested in voice acting—here’s the story in a nutcrackerE nutboxE nutshellE whateverE


A mercenary under the employment of the Karnentelii, named Karshundinii, had just managed to throw off three mysterious ships that had been tracking him since he left NG-0517---or so he thought--- in reality they dropped their pursuit of The Raven’s Claw upon Karshundinii’s entrance of the Yavin System. Was it because of the heavy activity readings coming from the fourth moon of Yavin? With no choice but to land, as his ship had been damaged by his mysterious followers and badly needed refueling, Karshundinii skidded his ship to a halt where his sensors picked up the most activityEn the middle of a swamp.


An accident leads Karshundii to stumble upon a secret of an ancient race called the Massassi, a secret that hundreds of years the Sith warred over, a secret that the Empire is now quietly seeking.


Karshundii, already wanted by the Empire for his services to the Karsnentelii—who in turn aid the republic, is now wanted more than any other man for his knowledge of a secret that was not meant to be found. He must find the ancient secret before the Empire does, solve the riddles of the Massassi, and get out before a deadly mysterious force finds himE


Work on the map is coming along great—I started a week ago and I already have much done—and if I do say so myself it is looking very, very sweet.


After I finish the actual map part of the mission, (hopefully in 2 or three weeks from now) I hope to add many special effects and much monologue and dialogue to make the story come alive.


I am going to need the following voices (!!!!!spoilers!!!!!)

(In order of most lines to fewest lines)



Karshundii (hoping for a Indiana Jones/SSnake/Kyle Katarn but with a heart)---main character

Imperial Archeologists

A Sith Warlord

Spooky, wispery, echoing voicesE(like you would hear in a haunted crypt)

A very, very, very, evil being rich with evil-like sound effects.


If you are interested (in voice acting) send me an e-mail at:



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unikorn gave me a link to a site that has heaps of voice actors looking for practice that will do voice bits for ya but i dont have it anymore


pretty useless reply really unless uni see's this and reposts his link for ya

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I've tried several times to send you an e-mail, I am encountering the same problems others have had (mailbox full). Anyway, here's what I need to know: Is the script what you sent me to read for the voice samples, or have you just not sent the part of the script yet?

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although qualitywise a deep real voice is unreplacable for a deep ingame voice, the voice could be cheesy, if you dont have a deep one available


even with an average sound editing programm and a little bit of knowledge, you should be able to change the sound of a voice somewhat, it just comes with a lot of trying and tweaking


ever wondered why interpreters have a remarkable voice on a recorded song but are sounding awful in concert :)

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Originally posted by Karshaddii

My mailbox being full....is the wierdest thing....I have no CLUE why it's doing that but I haven't recieved ANY mail from anyone lately....


Ok..to clear some things up.


Yes, actors, record your respective parts from the little that I gave you scripts...I am going to use most if not all those lines...


If my mailbox is STILL full--then you are going to have to get the recs to me by MSN




To the voice actor who has the part of Karshundii, Matthew Arringto--


I need to contact you--as I have MUCH stuff to give you = )



Emon--thnx a bunch--cooledit is cool...


And yes, I understand that cheesy voice acting ruins a game--but I got some excellent actors.


Speaking of actors....




They have the biggest role to play = (


Don't you have any other e-mail address where we could contact you? No need to post it here but send it to all voiceactors.


And about those Stormtroopers, give me some scripts and I'll try to make some of 'em. (Haven't used my normal voice yet. :D)

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Originally posted by Karshaddii:

My mailbox being full....is the wierdest thing....I have no CLUE why it's doing that but I haven't recieved ANY mail from anyone lately....


Ok..to clear some things up.


Yes, actors, record your respective parts from the little that I gave you scripts...I am going to use most if not all those lines...


If my mailbox is STILL full--then you are going to have to get the recs to me by MSN




To the voice actor who has the part of Karshundii, Matthew Arringto--


I need to contact you--as I have MUCH stuff to give you = )



Emon--thnx a bunch--cooledit is cool...


And yes, I understand that cheesy voice acting ruins a game--but I got some excellent actors.


Speaking of actors....




They have the biggest role to play = (


Don't you have any other e-mail address where voiceactors could contact you? No need to post it here but in our e-mail addresses.


Also... send me a script for Stormtroopers. I can try to make something for them too... you can then be the judge to decide will you use them or not. :)

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

Advice to the Maker of the SP Mission:


Make sure none of the voices are cheesy. Nothing is worse than a high-pithced 12 year old pretending to have a deep, low, sith-lord voice.


(Not insulting anyone, just using that as an example).


Non taken. I am making the Sith Warrior voice, and nope. I don't have a high-pitched voice... :)

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My mailbox being full....is the wierdest thing....I have no CLUE why it's doing that but I haven't recieved ANY mail from anyone lately....


Ok..to clear some things up.


Yes, actors, record your respective parts from the little that I gave you scripts...I am going to use most if not all those lines...


If my mailbox is STILL full--then you are going to have to get the recs to me by MSN




To the voice actor who has the part of Karshundii, Matthew Arringto--


I need to contact you--as I have MUCH stuff to give you = )



Emon--thnx a bunch--cooledit is cool...


And yes, I understand that cheesy voice acting ruins a game--but I got some excellent actors.


Speaking of actors....




They have the biggest role to play = (

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