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anyone feels like playing XWA with me?


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Been like.... 9 months since I last played XWA. I remember that about a year ago I did these coop missions which I named "08th RS team" on the zone. I had a fantastic time playing it with these 3 other people... or was it 4? What's great about those 3...or 4 guys was that they all had unique personalities. There was the oldest guy of group.... this 21 years old German who was really good. He was like your typical cocky kind of guy. Then there was the rookie, the kid, the person that seem to laugh and never seems to shut up (in a good way though). Last, I have the typical experience pilot of the group who says stuff when it's important. Hmm.... I guess there wasn't a fourth guy. During flight all of us actually communicated and stuff. The sad thing about this, we never got to complete all 14 or so missions, only 4!


Anyway the point is, I'm looking to see if anyone is interested in flying with me and I noticed that alot of you have colorful personalities that would be great to fly with. Beside I love flying coop with other people. I'm usually on the zone Mondays, Tuesdays at 9:00pm eastern U.S. Sunday, Wednesdays, and Thursday at 8:20pm eastern U.S. Saturdays at 2:20pm eastern. My name is Strider_Cloud on the zone.


What are these missions about??? Well...... you'll see. I actually remember having a storyline for it and some role playing (yes you heard me right! Although it's mostly just me talking as "other people") invovled too. The bad thing is, hopefully I can remember...since it was two years ago. Well hopefully some people still have XWA installed on their PCs....

Oh and there are four mission crafts, X-Wing (me), A-Wing, B-Wing (can be switched to an X-Wing, and a corellian transport.

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