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Idea for a map....


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Ok, I was at the zoo today with my kid, and started thinking that a zoo map might be kinda cool. What I'm thinking is this:


Coruscant Zoo with the basic zoo layout, cages, pens, habitats etc. There could be creatures from throughout the star wars saga like wampas, banthas, yalmisari (sp?) wookies (j/k :) ),taun tauns, mynock, rancor, dewback, some of the new creatures from Ep1 and 2 like the creatures in the Genosian arena (reek, mastiff, etc. and you can get complete list w/pics here: http://www.theforce.net/episode2/creatures/ or http://www.starwars.com/databank/creature/ )


I could make the habitat pretty easily I think, but some one else would have to make the creature models/skins. Anyway, just a thought, I think it'd be pretty cool seeing these creatures in the game :) Going to get back to my map now as I see its finished compiling.





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I guess if it was done well enough with very well made creatures that you could release by breaking glass, bars etc, and have them run around....oh well, it's probably too much, just thought it would be cool to play in a map where you could see all of those amazing star wars creatures. I'm sure one of the upcoming games like KOTOR (Knights of the old republic) will have some creatures in it. I'll just have to wait for it I guess :)



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yeah that would be cool if they could be made, but if they don't move, then are they all asleep? Or are they statues, holograms, or do they all just sit still and never move. I think the only way to pull it off would be for the cretures to be animated.


Well the idea is out there now, maybe someone will figure out how to make animated creatures. IF they do, making the zoo would be a breeze :)



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