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what's my system's bottleneck here?


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in MP my game runs faily smoothly, but once i spawn bots in, it slows down like crazy, sometimes down to 6 fps. i've tried various graphic settings, and found that dropping them to lower quality made negligible difference.


it makes me think maybe this is a processor problem.


so would bot slowdown indicate my processor is too slow, my ram's too low, my 3d card's not up to speed, or something else?


(i have a 55mhz celeron, 32MB TNT2, and 192MB ram)

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i think you left out a 0 after your 55 MHz. I had a PIII 500 and once i got more than about 5-8 bots going my fps would drop. Its the processor, its too slow. And a better video card wouldnt hurt either. Anyone else agree with me?

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I'ld go with uping the ante on the Graphics card first. The CPU is important too, you'll probably have to upgrade both your CPU and mobo and it is probably cheaper to just upgrade the Video card.


This all depends on whether you can get an AGP card into your current board.


This is a good place to start http://www6.tomshardware.com/howto/01q4/011005/index.html


Good luck

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Your entire system is the bottleneck. The newer games require a lot of power and anything below a Geforce 2 is really hurting on this, and any newer game. You may just want to save up some cash and go for a whole new computer. Make sure it has a min of a gig and a half AMD/INtel processor as well as a Geforce 3 TI200 videocard. Otherwise you will be soooooo far behind with the release of the next add-on or with any of the new games. For example you will not even be able to play UT2 or Doom on that system. So if you want to start to upgrad do the videocard first. Then get the rest of the system later. Computers are very cheap right now, and with prices around the country starting to go up on consumer goods this may be the best time to buy.

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