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"Info String length exceeded" ??????


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I used to get that message when I used Jediruner to start my server up. it turned out that everytime i started the server the IPs listed in the "banned list" in the jedirunner utility were being added everytime i started the server. I soon had 20+ instances of the same ip being listed in the g_banips cvar.


the point is you have a cvar in your cfg that is too long, or is appending data to your cvarlist everytime you fire the server up. One way to clear this up is to do a cvar_restart. however you will end up with the same problem in a matter of time unless you find the offending cvar.

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Originally posted by TheAphextwin

What version of Jedi Runner were you using?


Wow, i dont really remember. probably the first one. I've used it ever since i started running the server and upgraded whenever you released them. I've gotten to the point where i can write my own cfg's pretty easily now. Now I just use it to easily create the map cycles as they are tedious.

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I am having the same problem, and I can't seem to get it fixed. I have tried deleting many, many set lines that may have been unnessecary. I have also tried a "cvar_restart", but that crashed jk2 (illegal op).


Does anyone have any other ideas?


- nickersonm

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I was told this is because the computer is renaming a file because it's name is too long. Mine does it all of the time but I get no crashes. My friend who owns a computer store and runs servers says that this is not a problem. So if you are crashing you may need to look at somethin else.

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