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Force + Duel = Draw


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Part of the fun for me when dueling was using force powers, but with the new patch you just can' t do enough damage quickly enough before everybody is restored to full health. 3 kicks 2 backstabs and a DFA later all you hear is HEAL HEAL HEAL, or ABSORB ABSORB....Blah blah blah. We've been reduced to no force servers and just waving our sticks at each other. I hate spamming as much as the next guy, but there was something occasionally fun about getting in the quick kill before the next guy. Now unless the player really sucks, It's just draw after draw. :(

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I suggest using push or pull. They're great for setting up people into corners or into positions where you'll be able to strike at them.


Also useful for denying them the ability to retreat in safety, as well as disorientates them sometimes.

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DRockW here is how to win a FF duel in under 15 seconds.

Put Speed at level 3, haul ass in, do a pull+kick combo. This is a knockdown 99% of the time if done right.

While still in Speedy Gonzales mode, bust out four fast kicks on your prone opponent.

Chances are you will get 3 in and have to nail the fourth one as they start to run away, not too hard with the increased speed though.


This may sound like a joke but it really does work.


Yeah, but who cares.

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Originally posted by 00M-187

FF Duals = ghey...


I set up duals with only jump enabled, its real fun,,,


Kicks on NF Saberonly Duel servers rock...


Problem is when people overuse it... everyone is colliding with each other in mid-air trying to squeeze a kick off...

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