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func_button trigger_multiple question


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I have a button opening a double door with a multiple trigger supposidly use_button value= the actual button but in the game I don't have to press the use key and it works but says


warning: entity used itself


can anyone help me with changing that so where the use key opens my door without having the warning?

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Originally posted by Emon

If you trigger a trigger won't the trigger that was the target of the first trigger get triggered?

If you trigger a trigger, the trigger that was the target of the first trigger should be triggered, but sometimes a trigger getting triggered causes weird triggerings to occur. *phew*


Anyway, that's probably what's causing his error. It would technically WORK (and apparantly does), but you don't need to do it. The thing is, with a func_button, all you need to do is push up against the button to activate it... I'm betting you put in both because you want to use the USE_BUTTON.


I would suggest then, not to use the func_button, and instead just target the trigger_multiple directly at the door.

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To tell ya the truth I found out what the warning was.. and actually it works better this way.. wonder why..


the warning was because somehow the team doors where targeted at each other.. must have had them both selected during ctrl-k.. anyways


I can't seem to get the trigger_multiple with key use_button to work.. if i add it in with no value and then compile i can stand there pressing the use key tell i am blue in the face and the door will not budge..


The problem with the use_button was it was placed flat to wall and in between to little pillars which made it to far way for it to be touched(the purpose to make it a hidden button to open a door to a clan council room elevator and shaft)


well if I use a trigger.. with the key use_button and the value= to the targetname of the func_button it allows me to press the switch even being to far away so in actuallity it works great the way I had it supposidly errored =)


thank you all for the help it was greatly appreciated..

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well.. anyways i found out something new though.. thnx rich..


I kinda like having the trigger use_button pointing at the button so i don't have to walk into it.. and it works just great now.. so hey.. will see how the fans like it.. :)

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