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Darth Maul Saber Hilt


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Hi all., u got me into the whole modeling thing so i decided to start one. I noticed there were no hilts of darth mauls (at least none that im aware of) Any way if youd like to take a look its at the following link cuz i know u love screenshots. this is a very basic start textures will come later..i hope...if i can figure it out. And i will problaly need help getting it skinned and into the game.




-mix master

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You wouldn't be the same Mix_Master that joins MAverick's **||GATEWAY WEST JediMod||** server, are you? I am just curious because its not very often you run into a guy you've seen on that server...


The saber is looking good, just like MeLoN said, keep adding details.. this community LOVES details:)




JK2Net File Master


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cool..i didnt know there was one. Is it hosted here because i would love to get it. Here is an update on my saber. if link does not work try taking out the "http://" part. Also, is there a tutorial somewhere on how to actually get the model into the game? I downloaded all of Raven's editing tools (Radiant, md3..) and have no idea what to do now.




-mix master

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Thanks for that detail, this is my first model so this is my test.:) It will be very easy for me to make a model of mauls half saber, but i need to skin it, and that i don not know how to do. I was wondering if there is a tutorial on it or if someone wants to do it.

-Mix Master

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i havent seen any, is there one here? Besides,, people have to have choice :). And this is my test model. I have never modeled before and decided to use this as my first. I need help with skinning though.




here is a detailed pic of it with the fins


(remove the "http")




-Mix Master

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ok,,,if i ever get the skinning done, I can release it as a pack with Mauls full version and half version and the half verision would be charred around when obi-wan cut it. I dont think it will take too long for me to do the skin and pack it but sincei ts my first it will take some time. Thanks for all your support :)

-Mix Master

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I have as much to go as i did since i finished the model :( I can't find a good tutorial on UVW warp\unwrapping a high poly model so i can skin it. The only other thing i guess i could do is try to make anotherone that is low poly. Any tutorials besides the ones in the sticky that can help me?

-Mix Master

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