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I find nothing Different in the patches


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Hmmm I see alot of people saying how things have changed so much from patch to patch. I find that I still can still fight and kill people all through the patches..never really had a problem unless matched up with a better player than myself...never had a problem with backstabbers..spammers...I hardly use Spec moves so I dont notice the damage decreases and people would try to hit me with one but I would not be there for them to hit me. Seems to me that people just need to adjust instead of complaining...Oh and its funny how people blame the "whinner Community" for patches. If you people think that Raven listens to you so much that they would make a patch just to make you happy you are having dilluisons of grander..and if the others think that they patch because they listen to people complaining..again you must be crazy. If they patch the game its because they feel the game needed it for what ever reason..its their game..no matter what they do your going to play and they know this..look at all the complaints from patch to patch..but you still see those same people posting and playing..So my advice is...get over yourselves and play the game..adapt..overcome..and win. if you spent half the energy you do complaining on this board, trying to adapt to things in the game you would not be complaining. You would be killing people.


Just my 2 credits




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Well put. I agree. There's way too much complaining going on around here. You could easily setup a "old school" 1.02-1.03 mod on a 1.04 in the amount of time a average person around here whines about the patches. I'm sick of it and am just going to stick to mod stuff.

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Jenik- If you really have played from 1.02-1.04 and detect no changes in each different patch (something I find really hard to believe) then I think that's great for you.


But, I can't see how you can say that Raven wasn't under preassure to patch this game by the customer. Going back to release there were players sending email complaints on the daily to the devs whining about DFA, red stance in general, 'I die to quick! Fights don't last long enough!', force absorb, force drain, force heal, force powers in general, ect. you freakin name it and the devs have fielded a complaint about it. Some alot more than others and the things that got complained about the most- Raven patched around, hence the relative carebear status of 1.04.


No direspect, but I just can't see how you can sit there and claim that whining had little to do with changes in the game since every 'fix' that has transpired over the life of JKII was discussed at length in this and other forums. Otherwise, I totally agree with you- learn to deal and overcome or find the right saber mod that you find enjoyable.

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Let me explain..I rather mean I still could fight through all the patches I adpated to what happened..so to me the game itself did not change..the way I had to play did..hard to explain







A little bit of info...Every game released...EVERY...by any gaming company there will be people sending emails for the first Month. Especialy a game that can be played online..there will be issue that the developer could not get to due to the Publishers rush on the product...dont think that Raven didn't have plans to patch the game right after it went gold..casue they did..thats the way it is. Like I said people will play no matter what and they know this..all game developers and publishers know this..don't think they don't.


I loved the game the first time I played..heck when I was a newbie I would get my butt handed to me in all sorts of manners. what I didnt do was compalin about moves or spammers and such. I adepted to what the game was.



In this industry now..games evolve thats the way it is..sure sometimes it takes a bad turn...ahhh but a bad patch for me..may be heaven for you..thats the way it is....we all just must remember that games are everychanging..even games that are not MMORPGs like JK2 change..and let me tell you..I am happy that the developers take this approach..they make sure you really get bang for your buck..by constantly seeing what they can change to make the game an...and pay attention to this one..an OVERALL BETTER GAME..not a better game for me..not a better game for you...a better game for all..that's one reason why I left console games back in the dust. We are constantly challenged in PC online gamming, not just from other players, but from Developers who patch the product..to me thats great..its ever changing..maybe not the world like in a MMORPG. But in how you play the game..what can be done and how...and they will continue to do so until they the Developers..not you..not me... feel they are at where they want to be with the game..and they will move on





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Hey, This is the Poll Cat. Here's the differences I've noticed between patches 1.03 and 1.04 (Haven't been playing enough to know about the first couple versions) I hear there are still players on some 1.02 servers like BBB fraggers.That's what I heard anyways. The differnces and similarities between 3 and 4:



  1. [*]The damage done from the backslash and stab has been reduced from almost 3/4, down to about 1/6

[*]The Kicking manuever is more hevily used now

[*]Lightning has a new definition in destruction

[*]The DFA is heavily used, so much now that it can be seen coming a mile away[/list=1]


  1. [*]I still get my butt kicked by guys named padawan (lol)

[*]Mon_Mothma is still one crazy woman, uglier than ever

[*]Jedi Dueling is the best MP game

[*]Falling off high ledges is still not recommended for those with weak knees :)


These are the differences I see and the similarities

Good Question though,

The Poll Cat :speeder:

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THere isn't that much different, i remember i gave my friend the 1.03 patch and he thoguht i had jsut given him a trojan cos he coudln;t notice any differences, i pointed it out andh e figured :p anyhoo i never really had to fight different, sure i've learned alot more but all my tactics still worked all the way through.

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Major difference from 1.03 to 1.04


saber damage is severely reduced

backstab/slash damage secerely reduced

kick damage reduced

no more piveting

no more spamming pull +backslash/stab


lightning seems to take less power and do more damage though..is that just me? I was watching someone going around spamming lightning with only taking a 3 second break in between lightning attacks, and it doing 20 damage per second. This was on a normal force regen server.

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