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Capture The Flag (feedback pls)

BoBa feTTichiNi

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I have posted a thread similiar to this but I was angry and just flamed the patch to know end. I'd like to know what everyone thinks of CTF now. I mean I think it sucks monkey buttoms. There has to be a dominant move in CTF I mean the saber system for CTF is worthless now. I understand 1.04 for duel, but ffa, ctf, and jedimaster. No no no man its hoorible and it is not fun at all. What am i suppose to do kick them to death? I could but theres a bacta around every corner. Tell me what you think.:fett:

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The only true answer to this is to go back to 1.03, or use a mod.


You can up saber damage, but using a mod is easier, and as for the comment to "c/ play duels", what the **** are you thinking? He was asking for opinions on CTF not duels. Why would you even suggest that?


104 has killed SO CTF/FFA. I'll be sticking with 103 myself. Thanks

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It is difficult to kill flag runners on SO servers, but it's mostly because most flag runners run and heal, run and heal, instead of fighting or attempting to help their team get the flag back, whereas before, they could just wait and backstab people who tried to attack them. It's not hard to kill someone if they aren't constantly running away, but that's kinda the nature of some CTF players :(.


BTW, SO FFA is fine, you just need to learn how to utilize all your combos and force powers... Absorb a lightning/drain whore, and push them into a pit :).

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I thought the whole point of a ctf game is to win by getting the flag back to your base? Why the heck would you stand and fight if you had the flag? Its like playing RTCW where you need to get the objective. I always run like hell when I have it so no one will kill me. I think the key to remember on ctf is to work in pairs. One as a runner and another as a defender to keep people away from the flag carrier. Plus weapons are far more useful in a ctf enviroment, but if saber only then run like hell!

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Since 1.04, base 1.04 CTF servers suck balls. Particuarly for saber only servers such as our own Matrix. I've found his server to sadly suck ass now that the patch came out.



Because of this apparent lack of a good CTF server I put up my own CTF server.


The biggest problem to me seemed to be how worthless the saber became in CTF. In FFA I like for it to draw out a little longer, but in CTF fast quick kills are important. Backsweep was the abeit poor answer to this, but it kept it fun.



KnightHawk's CTF


- Running JK2PP Mod (no download required)

- Full Force (Jedi Master)

- All weapons enabled




Also I believes GamesJK2 server isn't running a mod, but has theyre damage values upped and I like the play there as well. 2 or 3 medium hits and your enemy is gone. Although many times I'm getting 1 hit yellow kills on weak players. CTF is fun again.

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