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Ok, once again it seems that I'm drawn into a long post.



Keyan- I enjoyed the whole Ender series, those books are what made Card my favorite author of all time. He's never let me down on a single book since. Shadow of the Hegemon doesn't surpass any of the other books, it's just there as an interesting other time. I know he's continuing it, talking about Peter's rise to power, to becoming the ruler of the world and all, but it's tough to see where it's going yet. (other than the obvious) Still, overall, an excellent read. Oh, and what reminds you of a line from Speaker of the Dead? My whole stat? That's completely real. Personally, I think Xenocide is the greatest piece of modern-day philosiphy ever written. Go back and reread it sometime, away from the other books. When you can seperate what it says from it's storyline, there's a surprising amount there.




Admiral- First off, I'd appreciate it if you spelled my name right. Secondly, I have no problem with violent video games. I enjoy gaming, and while racing games comprise the majority of my time, I enjoy those with violence too. Soldier of Fortune was awesome, and I think Max Payne is one of the most innovative and fun games of all time. I really enjoyed Jedi Knight 2, but I haven't played it a while because I've been playing a lot of football lately. So no, I have no problems with violence in games. I believe that it can plant a seed, but it's still the parents' responsibility.


Finally, since I've heard that HP and "Wicca" are non-issues anymore, I'll just say this about HP: "When you seperate what it says from it's storyline, there's a surprising amount there." Funny how that works both ways, isn't it?


Yeah, it's funny how many of our children's stories really have dark meanings. Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, etc... basically anything that's been around a while is usally pretty gothic. No wonder we have children with so many body piercings and dyed hair and "painted" faces. Just kidding.

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Originally posted by superthrawn

Oh, and what reminds you of a line from Speaker of the Dead? My whole stat? That's completely real.


I'm not saying the stat is real or not, it just reminded me of when Bishop Peregrino was thinking that when Mother Church was spoken badly of, the people would get upset and quickly rise to her defense, but ask them to come to Mass every weekend and they weren't so enthusiastic then.


Personally, I think Xenocide is the greatest piece of modern-day philosiphy ever written. Go back and reread it sometime, away from the other books. When you can seperate what it says from it's storyline, there's a surprising amount there.


I have, and it is a good book. But in my opinion, the philosophy there is not strong enough to take it above Speaker.

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Yeah, I remember that part w/ Peregrino. That's a pretty funny one.


What I meant about Xenocide was referring to the conversations between the Hive Mother and the (jogs memory) Mother Tree(?). Their conversations on intelligence, and free will, and other topics are almost strictly philosiphy. I still use one quote from that book in nearly every historical debate I enter. " 'Individual humans are stupid.' 'And in groups?' 'In groups they're just a mass collection of stupidity.' " Or something like that. It tends to win a lot of arguments.


Now that I think about it though, those conversations are part of Speaker, too, aren't they? I agree, SfD is the better book, I just think that Xenocide has better philosiphy.

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Originally posted by superthrawn

What I meant about Xenocide was referring to the conversations between the Hive Mother and the (jogs memory) Mother Tree(?). Their conversations on intelligence, and free will, and other topics are almost strictly philosiphy. I still use one quote from that book in nearly every historical debate I enter. " 'Individual humans are stupid.' 'And in groups?' 'In groups they're just a mass collection of stupidity.' " Or something like that. It tends to win a lot of arguments.


Now that I think about it though, those conversations are part of Speaker, too, aren't they? I agree, SfD is the better book, I just think that Xenocide has better philosiphy.


Wasn't it the Hive Queen speaking with Rooter (in tree form)?


In any case, I consider a great deal of the philosophy in this series to be much like the physics in it - it's interesting and it makes you think, but it's pretty much B.S. Which is fine when you consider what the book is (i.e. not a text on philosophy or physics).


The parts I really liked from Xenocide were the parts describing Ender's relationships with his step-children. How he defended Quim to his mother and how he respected Quim for living and dying with honor and bravery, doing exactly what he always knew he wanted to do with his life. There was also a bit about Ohlado that was quite touching.

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