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What happened to Yoda?


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the reason you can do that is cuz there is a scaler in the mod that will allow yoda to be his actual size. if you noticed when you put him in, its the kyle model. once the yoda model is done, the mod will recognize it and put it in. it was just added to test if the scaler would actually work. i played against the mini kyle, it was actually pretty funny.

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Is there something you didn't understand... for like the scaling.. notice how it is called Scale Models Mod.. not scale SKIN mod... I rest my care.. Goodnight....







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ummm, you might want to re-think your comment there.. what is it you are typing in the console... is it /skin yoda

or /model yoda... a skin is just like an outfit, scaling a "skin" would do nothing" scaling a model is what we are aiming for, and Tchoucky nailed it right between the eyes... ;)

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