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Are you new to modeling well...


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hi i really appreciate u posting this video but am i missing something here? the movie goes like SUPER FAST!!! 1 second u see the start then the next the scree has already changed and filled with shapes and stuff... and the resolution is a bit low, to me i have no idea to make out wut r u doing

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Well i have just the thing. I bought the most recent version of techsmith program. I made a movie for you noobs. It is HOW TO MAKE YOUR saber from scratch. well i even go through EVERYTHING. uvw mapping, tag, and basic layout and such. Its not perfect, its only my first. The problem is when i have this thing running, everythin slows down to a crawl


the video is 23 minutes long, and looking for someone to either host it or ask me for it.

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Ok i got it up and running folks







It has having trouble there for a bit, it seems if you put a www, in front of the url, you get a college babes pron site.


Please post any comments, I am all ears on information. Anything will help to get rid of the choppy factor.

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