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Dark/Light force key bind problem


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Here is the code I used:


//Dark/Light change

set darklight2 "vstr darklight2"

bind g +force_grip

bind v +force_drain

bind b +force_lightning

bind h force_rage


bind F3 "vstr darklight2"


set darklight1 "vstr darklight1"

bind g force_absorb

bind v force_heal

bind b force_distract

bind h force_protect


bind F4 "vstr darklight1"


and I put the binds in the jkmpconfig file.


When I hit F3 or F4 in the game i get a message "Cbuf_Insert Text overflowed"


Can someone help me?


What I'm trying to do is when I hit F4, my force powers bound to G,V,B,H to dark, and F3 to light.


I have a feeling its a code problem. I'm new to this.



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A text overflow is caused by too much information in your cfg file. First thing you need to do is to create an autoexec file for your game. This is done by going to start on the desktop then finding your windows "notepad". It will be near your system tools. Now open a new file and save it to your jk2 base directory where all of your other cfg files are and name it "autoexec.cfg" include the quote marks and then hit save. It should now be an autoexec.cfg file that will load when the game does.


Now move your custom scripts from your jk2mpcfg.cfg file into it and delete them from the jk2mpcfg.cfg file to reduce the text amount (back it up first).


To do what you ask you may want to do it as a toggle. You could even add your skin in along with it as well as a saber color to make the change a complete one. Here is an example for you:


//Dark to Light change

set dark "echo ^1DARK ^POWERS ^1SELECTED; vstr dark-powers; set powers vstr light"

set light "echo ^4LIGHT ^4POWERS ^4SELECTED; vstr light-powers; set powers vstr dark"

set powers "vstr dark"

bind F3 "vstr powers"



set dark-powers "bind g +force_grip; bind v +force_drain; bind b +force_lightning; bind h force_rage; model reborn_master/default; set color1 5"



set light-powers "bind g force_absorb; bind v force_heal; bind b force_distract; bind h force_protect; model luke/default; set color1 3"


Now you use only one key to toggle between the powers, skins, and saber colors. Just put in the model and saber colors you want and you are all set. You could also add in your force levels if you wanted too. Not sure just yet how to do it but when I am I will post it here for you.

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Figured out the force power thing so here is your key bindings. To find and put your own numbers in do the following:


1) Go into the game and under where you configure your force powers make three seperate files. One for master, one for jedi knight and one for guardian. Do this for both light and dark powers. Call them dark-1/light-1 and so forth.


2) Copy this script into your autoexec.cfg file and then edit it as follows.


3) Go into jk2 base directory and find the file called forcecfg.

Open it up and you will be greeted with two more folders called dark and light. Each folder contains the force cfg that you just made. Now open the one for master, dark-1. You do this by selecting notepad when it asks you what you want to open it with. Now copy those numbers into the place on the script for the jedi master.


4) Do for each level and each force side.


Now when you press the F3 key you are greeted with a series of selections for the force. Just pick the one you want and off you go. You can even do it at the start of a game. Just change the sabers and skins as you see fit. If you want to leave that stuff out it will still work. Hope this helps you out! Let me know! I am going to try it when I get home from work tonight. If I find any bugs I will post the revised script here.


//Power selector

set p-1 "set forcepowers (PUT NUMBERS HERE); echo [^1DARK ^6JEDI ^6MASTER ^6POWERS^7]; forcechanged; model reborn_master/default; set color1 5; set powers vstr p-2"

set p-2 "set forcepowers (PUT NUMBERS HERE); echo [^1DARK ^6JEDI ^6KNIGHT ^6POWERS^7]; forcechanged; model reborn_master/default; set color1 5; set powers vstr p-3"

set p-3 "set forcepowers (PUT NUMBERS HERE); echo [^1DARK ^6JEDI ^6GUARDIAN ^6POWERS^7]; forcechanged; model reborn_master/default; set color1 5; set powers vstr p-4"

set p-4 "set forcepowers (PUT NUMBERS HERE); echo [^4LIGHT ^6JEDI ^6MASTER ^6POWERS^7]; forcechanged; model luke/default; set color1 3; set powers vstr p-5"

set p-5 "set forcepowers (PUT NUMBERS HERE); echo [^4LIGHT ^6JEDI ^6KNIGHT ^6POWERS^7]; forcechanged; model luke/default; set color1 3; set powers vstr p-6"

set p-6 "set forcepowers (PUT NUMBERS HERE); echo [^4LIGHT ^6JEDI ^6GUARDIAN ^6POWERS^7]; forcechanged; model luke/default; set color1 3; set powers vstr p-1"

set powers "vstr p-1"

bind F5 "vstr powers"

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