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Jedi Corran Horn WIP


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I've been trying to do this skin for a while, and after redoing the same face about 4 times for different models I'm finally happy.




I still need to add color (obviously) and do some texture alignment on the hair, but otherwise the head is done. I've just begun on the clothing so ignore what you see on the collar and shoulders so far, all I've done is select the colors and draw in some reference lines so I know where seams, etc. go. This will be part of a Corran Horn skinpack currently set to include Corsec Corran Horn, (possibly) Rogue Squadron Corran Horn, Kieran Halcyon, and Jedi Corran Horn. There will be custom sounds(including different taunts from comics/novels for each skin), team colors, and bot support. I'll try to post updates of my progress on this skin every couple days, but don't expect another screenshot until I'm about 80% done.

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I guess I've made a little progress since the first post...



It may look pretty complete, but I still need to finish and texture align the boots, finish the pants, do the belt and buckle, redo the gauntlets(they're crap), add shadows, and pick the final colors. But then, since this is going to be part of a pack, I'll come back to it after I've finished all the other skins and fix anything I'm not satisfied with, and modify it to be consistent with the other Corran Horns. Then after that I get to do the soundpacks and bot support for each skin. I guess I have my work cut out for me.

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I think this one looks a hell of a lot better than the Tyrion model one. I luv the hair:) .

Very nice overshirt as well.


:mad: Can anyone tell me how to make kewl fabric designs like that using Photoshop....like that shirt...the dark green lines. Makes it look very realistic.


Also :D . If you don't want to....anyone wanna make a robed version of this dude...that first picture looks pretty kewl...mabey good for the reborn model.


Oh well just wanted to know about the fabric thing..cuz I'm working hard on a character from Episode V....General Carlist Rieekan. I'm also using the Luke model.

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Thanks for the compliments guys, but I know my skin isn't by any means perfect so any constructive crits you might have would be greatly appreciated.

If I would do a cloaked version, it would have to be on some other custom model with a full robe(and not tyrion, he's a nightmare to skin decently). The reborn just has the simple hood, so it wouldn't exactly look right.

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Thought I'd toss in a little update. I finished Jedi Corran last night, and I'll post some screenies as soon as I get home tonight. I also started on Kieran Halcyon, which will be on a different model than the current Kieran skin out there. I might post a WIP shot tonight/early tomorrow in a new thread, but I will be needing reference pics if anyone has them(both for kieran and the corsec uniform). All I have to go off of is the I, Jedi book cover, and its not exactly high res. Also, if anyone has any suggestions for taunts/sounds or has the I, Jedi audio book, PLEASE let me know. I'd rather not have to seek out someone to record the sounds if at all possible.

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I've decided to release this skin alone as kind of a "preview" for the final skin pack, since some other projects have come up and I'm not sure when I'll finish it. I've added ctf colors, including a dark side-ish unkept unibomber looking red skin.


Until it's released with the other skins, this version will only have the default sounds and quite possibly no bot support. Once I get the final pk3 ready I'll send it to jediknightii.net and jk2files.com, and upload it to my geocities account for a few downloads.

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Looks kick arse! Luv the blue one:p. Now may I ask a few questions about your skinning method?


1. When skinning the face and skin do you mark the areas where the nose and mouth are....then paint it totally one color? Then add the detail?


2. When doing the clothes do you color it one color...then add the shadows and creases.


3. In the first pic..the hair looks all fuzzy...and pretty:D . Is there a certain tool you used?

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Hmm, lets see...

1. Yeah, that's pretty much it. I make a separate layer with the facial features roughly drawn in to use as reference(saves a hell of a lot of time), then I color over the whole texture with one solid color and work off of that. I do flesh completely in grayscale until I get all the textures aligned. That way I only need to worry about matching the correct tone and brightness of gray.

2. I usually get the exact shape of the clothes down in one color, texturize, and then add seams, creases, and shadows. I also use separate layers for each article of clothing(saves time).

3. My secret tool is... airbrush! Well I guess it's slightly more complicated. I first paintbrush solidly over all the hair in the correct color(but a little bit darker than what it's supposed to be). Then I take the airbrush set to overlay on about 4% pressure with one of the speckly looking brushes(the 4th row down), and color all of the hair with strands of black(this simulates shadows). After that, I do basically the same with white on top of it to do highlights, and then I play with my levels and hues to get it the right color. It doesn't take long, and I think it gives pretty nice results. Doesn't work well for really thick or wet hair though.

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