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3 new star wars movies?!?! epilogues?


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Anyone heard a rumor that lucas is making 3 more Star Wars movies?!?

.. one of my friends told me he heard that lucas is making 3 movies that will take place after ROTJ, i wanna know if this is a real rumore or if he made it up. :confused::eek:

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Just to clear up something that might be a bit muddled. Lucas DID originally plan to tell the Star Wars saga over the span of 3 trilogies. When he finally got to working the first trilogy, he stated that he wouldn't be doing the third trilogy (despites his original plans). Simple reason: he wanted to do other things (notably television I think) and if he leaves 15 years between making the movies (like he did with the first two trilogies) he's going to be awfully old come creation of the third. Course, it's always possible he'll change his mind somewhere down the road; but for now, he's not planning on making the post-Jedi films.



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yeah he is.....i mean, he did such a bad job on A New Hope, that he created a Star Wars Craze and had people flocking to theaters to see ESB.............:rolleyes:


And of course Ep2 was crap.....even though i've gone to see it 9 times.....


(in case you were wondering......those statements are FULL of sarcasm ;))

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

yeah he is.....i mean, he did such a bad job on A New Hope, that he created a Star Wars Craze and had people flocking to theaters to see ESB.............:rolleyes:


And of course Ep2 was crap.....even though i've gone to see it 9 times.....


(in case you were wondering......those statements are FULL of sarcasm ;))

I do think he is a bad director ESB and ROTJ were not director by Lucas they are the best movies in the saga so feh AOTC was a good movie but lets face it the acting was horrible and so was dialouge i mean " I hate sand its so sandy but not like you your soft like..." two hours of lines like that it was strictly an action movie
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i know ESB and RotJ were not directed by lucas.....but i always wonder why directors get SO much credit for movies....i mean, yeah, they have an important part......but it's the story that George lucas wrote that made those movies good. And George did excellent with ANH, had he not, there would have been no ESB or RotJ.

the acting was horrible

And since when is bad acting the directors fault? Are you saying that Porn stars would win academy awards if Steven Spielberg directed their movies?:confused: :confused:

two hours of lines like that it was strictly an action movie

Not completely sure what that means, but i'll guess you're saying that Star wars was supposed to be strictly an action story? ummmmm.....the OT wasn't strictly an action movie, so why should the prequels....?


*sigh* i get so tired of "star wars fans" who don't like george lucas................................:mad:

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Originally posted by Darth Exar Kun

LUCAS IS A BAD DIRECOR FACE IT! TPM WAS ALMOST A REPEAT OF ANH. IN the OT he did the story by showing you but in AOTC he told what happened.


I dont really get what your saying. You have gone delirious from your Lucas hating. Hating Lucas is pointless. Why are you even a fan? Even the movies that Lucas didnt direct had lucas in control of them somehow. You think he would let those directors add something extra other than what he envisioned?

Your saying that because you know whats going to happen in the new movies that they are bad? thats crazy.

Lord of the ring fans knew what was going to happen in the felowship of the ring movie too. Did that make it a bad movie? NO


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Originally posted by MotionMan


I dont really get what your saying. You have gone delirious from your Lucas hating. Hating Lucas is pointless. Why are you even a fan? Even the movies that Lucas didnt direct had lucas in control of them somehow. You think he would let those directors add something extra other than what he envisioned?

Your saying that because you know whats going to happen in the new movies that they are bad? thats crazy.

Lord of the ring fans knew what was going to happen in the felowship of the ring movie too. Did that make it a bad movie? NO


I like the two prequels so feh feh feh Lord of The Rings were good books and an excellent movie I am just saying they could have been better they could have followed the path set for them in the Ot How could C3po and R2 D2 live in the same house as in ANH but not remember a thing!!!! OBI-Wan said serval times he was trained by Yoda but in TPM in the OT they also gave you the mind set that all jedi's dissapered at death there were dozens of decomposing jedi's on that battler field teh orignal three will always be the best
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Droids typically have their memories wiped when they are sold. In fact, Lars was planning on having C3PO and R2's memory wipe before he died. It's hardly surpising the droids would remember, anymore than your computer would remember something you deleted from it.


As for Obi-wan, he WAS trained by Yoda. In fact, pretty much (if not all) jedis are trained by Yoda as younglings. Couple that with the fact that Yoda was still alive, and it makes sense that Obi-wan would have sent him to him. He certainly wouldn't have sent him to Quigon...



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