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Holding grudges and hunting people down.


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I'm a vanilla style player. Guns, sabers, I hardly ever use offensive Force powers except to counter attack or to show off.


I've got a pretty obsessive player mentality though. And I really hate getting killed over and over again by cheap tricks, particularly lightning and grip.


Usually, I end up playing the rest of the game hunting down whoever spammed me and I'll kill them.


Over. And over. And over again.


Anybody else do the same or is it just me? And I think it's in this game only. I'll hold some pretty big grudges against people and continuously hound them through out the round. No surprise if I keep on going after them after the map change too.

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I only hunt down guys that kill me with my saber down or if i'm chatting, or if someone mouths me off for no reason. But ya its funny, most of the time i play very calm and cool but when someone screws with me like that i go completely ballistic. I won't give them any room to breath, everywhere they go i'm on them like a cheap hooker lol.

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Originally posted by Caster

I'm a vanilla style player. Guns, sabers, I hardly ever use offensive Force powers except to counter attack or to show off.


I've got a pretty obsessive player mentality though. And I really hate getting killed over and over again by cheap tricks, particularly lightning and grip.


Usually, I end up playing the rest of the game hunting down whoever spammed me and I'll kill them.


Over. And over. And over again.


Anybody else do the same or is it just me? And I think it's in this game only. I'll hold some pretty big grudges against people and continuously hound them through out the round. No surprise if I keep on going after them after the map change too.


You should dl the all seeing eye.


You can track people on your buddy list and follow them on any server.


Yes, I never use offensive force powers either. When other poeple use offensive force powers I think they are cheap whores. I'm more mental than you. I WIN!!!!!!!!!!

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First a question, how can you in a game add on to your buddy-list?


Second, I HATE running around the street getting pushed down bye people that don't want to fight. Geeks!


Although I'm no Expert on this but I 've had som wonderful duels with Anakin & Stormrider. The last one lasted for 20 minutes. On next map we continued....

( Maybe thats more a sign of our incompetence rather than skillness.....):D :D :D



Cheapest of all kills is the pull and slash ( most of all cos I myself never seems to get it right).



Long live the noble Duelist,

Frags-frogs go Quaking!


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I dominate the competition a lot. This seems to annoy other players enormously they start talkin trash start whinning or try to kick me. I once killed this pull backstabber a lot in a row and he saw that i wasn't using absorb(which i never do because its the most anti game power there is) so he pulled and slashed woops im still alive again and again he tried and after i stopped laughing he was out of force and i blew him to bits. This seemed to piss him off because i killed him over and over just like everyone else so mister tries to kick me outta the game just because he was to stupid to try something else to beat me. Now this goes to far for me and i said okay mister x i'm only gonna kill you from now on and so i did. This was a pretty fun experience only bad thing was after about 14 deaths he ran away.

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after playing jk2 since it came out i try to vary my gaming experience. sometime i am the person you are trying to hunt down. but think of it...that gives another dimension to the game. the thrill of the hunt. now i have done some hunting too and it gives me a thrill. but i understand of those ppl who kill you with your saber down or your typing. Sheesh i mean one time i had my saber down in a duel server and the beach pull/backstabbed me when i was bowing. then i talked all this shet to them and they kick voted me out b/c there were like 5 clan members on this public server. What made it worse was that I was on the server first before all of them came in.

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I don't think you are alone in this. I think everyone gets that one guy who got you real good and it just sets off something and you chase this guy to the ends of the map.


I know I do it and sometimes I think to myself "Jeez, it's just a game."


Robrob brings up something intereesting too. Sometimes I hunt down the leader of the scoreboard just for the thrill of the hunt. It varies the gaming experience and sometimes you learn a thing or two.

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I like the way you think man!


I hunt people that piss me off all the time! My clan even has a "hit list" and we hunt together at times.


By the way in order to avoid those kick votes just bind name changes


for example..


Bind q name (insert your name here)

bind w name can't kick me


when they call a vote hit w and you name will change to can't kick me. Even if the vote passes it won't kick you. Once the vote is over hit q and your name goes back to usual.


Caution the admin can still kick you!

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Originally posted by FatalStrike

I like the way you think man!


I hunt people that piss me off all the time! My clan even has a "hit list" and we hunt together at times.


By the way in order to avoid those kick votes just bind name changes


for example..


Bind q name (insert your name here)

bind w name can't kick me


when they call a vote hit w and you name will change to can't kick me. Even if the vote passes it won't kick you. Once the vote is over hit q and your name goes back to usual.


Caution the admin can still kick you!


Thanks man I'll try that.

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I usually hunt the guy in FFA that has the most kills. He's usually the one that is in the main gathering area of a specific map doing DFA over and over and over again lol.


As for the people who don't want to fight and stand there with their sabers withdrawn, give them a good ol kick or just outright kill them. Spectator mode exists for a reason. If they don't want to fight then they should join spectator mode. 80% of the time that people have their sabers withdrawn anyway they are preparing to suprise someone with a force attack or trying to slip away from a battle to heal. So KILL them!

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Nothing wrong with doing that.. I say it adds to the flavor and fun.


As long as at the end of the day, you realize it's just a computer game and not life or death... but while you're playing it's fun to just go nuts and do stuff like that. ; )


Heck, the bots are programmed to do that too, if you didn't know!

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