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New Npc's in SP


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I have a tutorial about this in the Mapping Forum, but for some reason my new NPCs not have weapons in their crotch... I at first though it was the cause of 1.04, but that can't be since it doesn't affect the SP code.

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There is a way of adding new npcs without deleting old ones, but its complicated. If you give me your email ill send you my darth maul character if you want. Emon mentioned his tutorial - find that as its a good place to start. Then ill send you a tutorial on how to improve upon that and actually get them to work

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Well, I was just wondering how one would go about this, and the tutorial seams easy enough... I was just thinking if Snowtroopers could be made. I have a snowy world in mind for my SP level, and they'd fit in well, lol. I'm building the inside first though, just incase the whole outdoorsy thing doesn't work out, and therefore Snowtroopers would be irrelevant.


I know nothing about this, and do not plan on attempting any of it until I get my level built.


Uptheirons@earthlink.net is the e-mail address....


please send instructions with whatever you mail over...lol

good instructions...

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The tutorial on adding new npcs that Emon mentioned works verry well.

Can someone help me with this one though.


I'm trying to add a taviontyranus (count dooku using tavions powers).


But it doesn't work (saber in the crotch)

I can add him as a reborn with tavions fighting style but that one is too easy (and doesn't shoot lightning at you).

Does anyone have an idea?

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try making him a reborntyranus, but increase his health and make his class desann - then he will still use force lightning on you - It worked for me. (increase his speed and reactions as well if you want to make him harder)

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I am using the Yoda model to replace the ugnaught in SP. It has worked so far. The ugnaught now has Jedi properties with it looking and sounding like Yoda. However, Yoda now holds a lightsaber but decides to use an invisible balser? (WTF?) Has anyone had this problem? How do you solve it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gram_Reaper hey emon, do you have a yoda npc, or any of you guys have a yoda npc. Please post the npc code that you have for your. IM having a little trouble with the scaleing



I HAVE IT! And you can download it from this site. In my Ultimate MOD v3.1 patch.

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I am using the Yoda model to replace the ugnaught in SP. It has worked so far. The ugnaught now has Jedi properties with it looking and sounding like Yoda. However, Yoda now holds a lightsaber but decides to use an invisible balser? (WTF?) Has anyone had this problem? How do you solve it?


That's because Yoda isn't classified as a Jedi. He needs to be spawned at "jediyoda". Then his modeling parts folder need to be called "jediyoda" too. Hopefully this helps.

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