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need skinner/shader for ROYAL GUARD


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Originally posted by kman@polycount

I sent the model along to someone else to have it remapped.



Sounds good, it was my fist time at UVWMAPPING and it took me 3 days just too work out how to move the coords. I still dont know how to move the coords so it looks perfectly mapped out but i guess ill work it out one day.

Communication has been scarce (not that I mind) and i was expecting a good bye JKII note from yas :D Kinja left so anyone could leave. UT2003 (?) seems to have gripped the modelers with its high polygon characters. I think I might go down that road after I have made a couple more models for JKII, which I have all stored in my head :D

Is the guy who you sent it too a lucasforums member? Does he browse these forums? Just would like to know...

Hang in there for me kman :D and dont overload yourself on WIP's.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear that, maybe i can make you another offer....

I suppose the hype over my guard model is over, wanna skin my new model in progress? You can find it in the modeling forum with updated pics.

You should have no troubles with the unwrapped coords on this model... Most of it was done by raven themselves, but skinning the shoulders was a bit dodgy, wanna check the ref skins out first before you decide?

Up too you...

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Yeah, I guess some people do have lives outside of this, you know. I only offered because I was interested in the model. But once I got the model and saw all the problems with it, I did not want to bother with it. That's why I let Fardreamer try the model out as I was talking to him on IRC about unwrapping and stuff. I was busy with other stuff, like School and trying to get a job. And don't even think that I offered to help only because you were being an ass and was causing some trouble.

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So you think i dont have a real life?, dont even go there. You just dont reply to something that you half started but never finished. You couldnt even tell me what problems were up with the model, now thats what i call BAD team work, face it.

Your contradicting what you told me when i had a thread aimed directley at arco. That thread was only for him and you deleted it. This thread turned into a chat room between me and you and wasnt relevent to the forum, and you didnt delete it because it was in your interest. You must face up to your incapabilities on this forum and leave admin. I was simply playing you.

Dont delete this thread tho..., because ill be needing a new skinner, if you do it will be out of revenge and imature behaivour.

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