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Dooku model release date!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Garik Loran

Erm, seems we have a small problem with the shader of the cape, the blade of the saber is shining through at some areas, so this has to be fixed first.

Be patient, it will be released soon enough!


Oh dear that is dissapointing :(


i supose any chance of it being released today has gone


Oh well its better that you get these problems sorted out before any release

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The only glitch I encountered with seeing the saber through the cape was while he was running. This is a clipping issue and would probably be a pain to try and weight that cape so nothing clips through it. It's one of those things that happens when you add a cape to a model using skeleton based animation, and there aren't any bones specifically for it.

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Ok, I'll test out the other dooku skin. I don't like sing that one because he looks like a monkey. I may have to turn the backface culling off.


Also, what's with you people and your 'beta' releases? What is up with all those stupid looking maps people release as version 0.45a and bs like that? They should have tested it enough and actually finished it before releasing it when it looks like sh!t.

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Originally posted by kman@polycount

Ok, I'll test out the other dooku skin. I don't like sing that one because he looks like a monkey.



Why Thank you for this great comment. Man, why say stuff like this now, just before release and not in the developing stage?? I said all comment was welcome. Now, when it's finished you start whining....watsup with that?

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well, we put in both skins because i like them both. you might not like the other one, Kman, but i love playing with it and i think Grafox did his job as well as you did.

but as an artist i think everybody has his own interpretation of things. anyway, please don't "ruin" the model by flaming each other...ok?

i hope you didn't get that as an offend.


from what i can tell, it is a shader problem, if i had more knowledge about shaders i could have fixed it myself, but i think i leave that to the expert.

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Ok, I fixed it. I'm sending it back to you again.


[edit] Also, I wasn't tring to flame. I didn't take it personally. I just said what I thought at the time, and monkey was the only thing I could think of. [/edit]

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