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Maxrate Help Please!


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I don't get it, i have an Adsl Connection with 1.5 Mg Dll rate &

a 96 Upload rate (i think..)

i am running a server with Maxrate Of 2000 for about 8 slots

to connect to...

is this wrong?....

should i change my maxrate?

can som1 explain one time what does it do exactly?

my server is in Israel and ppl connect from all over the world to it

avrage ping on my server is Around 200 , with the exeption of those from Israel connecting which have somewhere from 50 to 150 ping.

what can i do to make the ping lower ?



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2000 seems a bit low to me hehe (probably 5000 minimum)

also 96ul is hardly enough to really run a good server

but the question is.............are people complaining about the game?

what exactly are the problems you are having?

if all you want is a lower number....forget about it

numbers dont mean much if the thing works..............



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take the upload rate divide by 8 to bytes rather than bits, then divide by number of players to get max rate, it works out at 1500 for what you have in mind, which may not be that great,


Myself i would halve the number of players and set rate at 3000, just an idea.

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Do this math:


1) Number of people


2) Rate


(1) x (2) = bandwidth you must have to maintain the server




8x4000=32000 (same as 320)


you have 96 so:


9600 / 8 = 1200


so you must set your rate at 1200 (yuck)


You may just need to limit the players to 4 or get a better connection. Anything below about 3000 is very slow.

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