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What is this mod???


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Jedi mods are great and all, but sometimes I join a server that says JediMod, but the red stance is screwed up in 2 different ways.


1st way is, red stance swings just like the yellow stance

2nd way is, the red stance swing....you'll PREPARE TO swing...HOLD IT for 2 or 3 seconds, THEN swing. It's stupid, you'd die instantly if you were to leave yourself open holding a sword over your head for 3 seconds (in real life, no, the other real life).


Why on earth did they do that?

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Because if you didn't, you would get a very powerful swing that doesn't leave many openings. Then everybody would use strong and it would be near invincible.


However, I do think the swings themselves should be quicker. Still, the swing preparation is appropriate.

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Well, they shoul;d fix the animation. It looks stupid, You're in the middle of a swing and suddenly you FREEZE....then unfreeze. Heavy swing is fine in a non-modded server, so why not have it in a mod server too? Yeah, it hits harder (no duh, it's a lightsaber heavy swnig, it's gonna hurt)...but it's still easy to dodge.

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