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Yoda "Officially Released"


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kinja if u read this plz could u mail me ( paul4787@hotmail.com ) or give me a url for the pic in your avatar as i need a pic 4 a painting im gonna do and need the basic shape, as all my SW books etc. only contain pics of him sitting down. Any1 else who has good pics of yoda in fighting stance or fighting plz mail or post url tyvm

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Originally posted by bliv

It is not midnight eastern time at all.


Um, yeah it is. If you don't believe me go to jediknightii.net and read their front page. Maybe they will load it up before then, but that's what it says.

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Originally posted by Xyphox

Yikes Kinja you got up at 2:53 am to post this. Thanx a lot man. As proof that this is not a joke, you can go to jediknightii.net. On their front page it says they will be uploading yoda by midnight eastern time. That's 9:00 where I am. Yay!



Bleh I stay up till 3 at least each night, I doubt he 'got up' at 2:53 am to post it, probably just stayed up.

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1) It say "by" Midnight Eastern time. Therefore it could be up before then.

2) It was Sithlord II who gave them the information and Kinja who decided to release the model. Therefore the information was released earlier by a different person so it may be a little off.

3) Kinja has sent it to a few sites.

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Yay, both the Yoda and jedimod 2.2 links aren't working, and I'm guessing both of them will be pretty tough to get for the next day or so. If whoever manages to get them could host them(or send them to someone who could), I'm sure they'd be everyone's best friend :)

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Actually its JediMod++ 2.2 they just posted the wrong name at JediKnightii.net JediMod++ is a mod of JediMod. JediMod v1.1 is the next official version of JediMod. Not sure why its not up at any download sites though...

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty

jediknightii.net claims that yoda has been downloaded over 1000 times already so maybe the link is working? maybe its just busy


Or maybe it just counts our retries :rolleyes:


We can't tell for sure until someone who has the model tells us so.


Anybody? :D



After the millionth retry I finally have him! WOOHOO!

Just retry till you get through guys :D

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Doubltess I'll get yoda or even dooku model today since my ####ing computer internet service is only 56k ####. We all know what happens to connections like mine we get bumbed out of the way. Oh well. Hopefully a bunch of people will be able to mirror it for us.:(

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