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SP Luke 2 Yoda mod.


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The reason why you can have a small R2 to Kyle mod is simple.


They are a default height. The Yoda model is not. Try running Yoda on a normal JK2 server and he will be the same height as everyone else. The R2 model was built with his height considered. The Yoda one was not. It is re-sized by JediMod.

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Originally posted by D.L.

The reason why you can have a small R2 to Kyle mod is simple.


They are a default height. The Yoda model is not. Try running Yoda on a normal JK2 server and he will be the same height as everyone else. The R2 model was built with his height considered. The Yoda one was not. It is re-sized by JediMod.


they're talking about SP, not MP. SP has inherent scaling within the npcs.cfg, so therefore JediMod is not needed.


And Chrono. Look at the npcs.cfg for the first entry munro. I'm betting munro is Kyle as he would look ingame and not as a spawnable npc. for those that don't know munro was the main character in EF and Raven took a lot of their cfg files and stuff from EF and modified them. The munro entry also has no scaling attached to it, so therefore it would be the default size. Here is the entry here:





fullName "Katarn, Kyle"

playerModel kyle

saberColor blue

reactions 4

aim 5

move 3

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

// race human

class kyle

snd munro


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Originally posted by volrathxp


they're talking about SP, not MP. SP has inherent scaling within the npcs.cfg, so therefore JediMod is not needed.




Ummm, I know. You are competing missing the point.


The R2 model was built with height in mind. ie actual size.


The Yoda model was not. Replacing Kyle with R2 is fine as the R2 model was never meant to be scaled. Kyle cannot be scaled in the npcs.cfg file.

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