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WIP: Sith Emergence(working title)


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Ok, somehow my first thread "dissappeard" or at least I can't find it, so I'm starting a new one.


First off, this is a MP FFa map which is based on the rumored final battle between Anakin and Obi Wan in the upcoming SW Episode 3 where Anakin somehow falls in the Lava and when he emerges, he ultimately becomes Darth Vader. From what I've been able to find out, the Volcanic planet Sarapin is rumored to be the planet where this final battle takes place and is the location for this map.


I am nearing completion and I'm getting ready to let ppl test the pre release version but I need to add ambient sounds and bot paths, both of which I trying to learn how to do as we speak. I've read both Rich's and bubba's tuts on this, and have followed their directions, but they still don't work as far a sound goes.


The problems I'm having:


1. I put in the target_speaker entities and set to "looping" but I don't hear any of them when I go into the game. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

<problem solved>

2. I'd like to put in background music, do I do this by putting in target_speaker entities as well?

<problem solved>

3. I'm looking for a good tut on putting in bot paths, does anyone have a good one or can explain easily how this is done?


4. I have fog in the top part of my map (sky) obscuring the view of the stars to give it a more smokey volcanic atmosphere. The problem is it completly obscures the view and I can't see the stars at all. Is there a way to make the fog somewhat transparent?


Here is the progress so far:




Things I'd still like to add and fix:


A jedistarfigher prefab or model but I can't find one


A sith infitrator prefab or model


Light emitting lava (I use light entities to light up the default lava and I would like to reduce the amount of light entities in the map)


Once I fix the sound and bot problems, I will let ppl test it but the things I would like to add aren't necessary, I would just like to have them.


Any help on any of this would be greatly appreciated.









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Hmm...still having a little trouble getting bot paths to work, but I got the sound effects to work finally. Once I get the bot paths to work, I'll have a beta to release. Since I lost my other thread, I don't remember who wanted to beta it. If you're interested, leave your email or icq number, so I can send you the file. Thanks



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Looks very nice from the shots. This is up there with the Geonosian arena as far as maps I'm waiting for. My only suggestion would be that you add more "mood lighting", i.e. make the map a bit darker and add some red/orange light to make it look like the lava is providing the illumination. I might not be seeing them but some stalagmites(or is it stalagtites?) coming from the ceiling would be cool too. Just out of curiosity, what music were you going to use? Something quite evil and dramatic I hope :) Anyway, keep up the good work.

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"Looks very nice from the shots. This is up there with the Geonosian arena as far as maps I'm waiting for. My only suggestion would be that you add more "mood lighting", i.e. make the map a bit darker and add some red/orange light to make it look like the lava is providing the illumination."


Yes, I am using red/orange/and yellow lighting...although it might not be that eveident from the ss. But I am going to work a bit more on the lighting before the final release.


"I might not be seeing them but some stalagmites(or is it stalagtites?) coming from the ceiling would be cool too."


I hadn't planned on putting them in, but since you mentioned it, I will give it a try and see how they look. I'll post ss of it when I do


"Just out of curiosity, what music were you going to use? Something quite evil and dramatic I hope"


I'm using artus topside/impbased_explore which seems to work perfectly with this map. I'll let you beta it if you leave your info when its ready and you can let me know what you think of my selection. Also you will hear bubbling pools of lava, steam rising sounds, and impact sounds as fire volcanic rocks shower down from the heavens. Thanks for your input :):D

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ok, I'll spend a little time and experiment with them to see how they look. I think they will work out ok in the cave, but I don't know about outside of the cave. Also, I took out the fog on top so I could see the sky/stars (getting claustaphobic :) ) but I would put it back in if I could make it even just a little transparent. If anyone can help me out with that, that would be great.


Also Wes, Yes, I agree about the music, I went through all of the music in the music folder, and that music piece really works well for this map. I was just trying it again. Anyways, If you want to beta test it when it's ready, leave me your info either email or icq. I don't have anyones anymore since I lost my original thread.


I'll take some ss w/o fog and you can let me know what you think. I'll probably post them this evening.



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Well here's alittle update. I was having a problem with too many light entities which I think the problem is resolved now and I can get back to work on making the bot routes. I really want to get a beta for this out so I can get some opinions about a few things, so I'm really working on making that happen and appreciate everyones patience.


I've also noticed that the fps on slower machines (p3 500 and a p3 800) were in the 15 - 20 range and 20 - 25 respectively(even though r speeds stayed in the 6000 - 7000 range w/7 bots). Because of this, I've gone back and made sure that ANY surface that is not seen in the game is caulked. I'm compiling now and I'm hoping that remedies the situation.


I'm also going to put the fog back in since the stary look just doesn't really work...but I would still like to make it a bit more transparent or less dense...so I'm asking that if anyone has this skill and can help me with this, please let me know.


Thanks :)



Btw, one question, does anyone know if light entities (especially a lot of them) affect FPS?

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Hi There,


Map looks interesting, just wanted to add my ten cents - not about the map but the location for EP3 - Don't know if anyone notice during the speeder chase in EP2, but when Anakin dives the speeder straight down, if you look in the distance at the base of the skyscrapers, below all the traffic you can see - LAVA!!!

As Palpatine/Sidious never seems to leave Coruscant this looks like a perfect place for / or origin of the LAVA for the duel between Obi / Anakin.


NOTE: Just my personal observations - no basis in fact, so take as you will.


Good luck on finishing the map.



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I got the info for the name of the planet on theforce.net where in an article it was talking about a developing star wars game and one of three new planets being added to the star wars universe was a volcanic planet called Sarapin which they wouldn't confirm was for the final battle but I think they did mention it was possible. Anyway, I needed a name for the place I'm creating and since its possible this is the planet, I used it.


I'm going to watch ep2 again and see if I can see what you are talking about, but that would be an interesting twist if the bottom of coruscant was indeed a huge lava area. I guess we'll just have to see in Ep3. Thanks for your comments and observation :)



Posting a few new pics now.



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Ok an update....my map is Fu@Ked!!! Allow me to elaborate. First off I get that flippin error: too many unique lights on lightgrid or something like that like 9/10 times of compiling. And when it does work, when you fire the bryar blaster, you can't see the laser coming out. I know this must have to do with all the red, orange and yellow lights situated throughout the map and also, if I put in fx_runners of fire for torches...they don't show up either! I think its the same reason. Now, if only I had a light emittiing lava shader...then I could get rid of many of the lights I'm using to light the lava now....I'm actually waiting on someone to send me a working light emitting shader for lava, but I guess he's busy cause I haven't heard from him in awhile.


Oh well, I guess this is my new plan. I think I'll go back a few versions where I could still see my lasers, then I'll copy all of the terrain changes I made and see what happens after that. It was coming along so nice too!! If anyone is still interested in this map, I'll keep posting updates every so often. Thanks for all of your support.



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You could try using a light emitting sky shader (Such as Artus Light) in the mean while or even adapting it to have lava.

Might look strange though with the sky shaders draw 'distance' - but should give you an idea of the effect such a shader would have on your level.

Good Luck.



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thanks for the support guys, I'm going to keep working on it. Hopefully work out after this next compile, otherwise I have to go to drastic measures of going back to an earlier version and try to make all of the changes I've made since then terrain-wise work. I'll post an update soon.

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ok an update. It seems I'm always plagued with problems with this map. When ever I think I'm ok and getting towards finishing it, something happens that sets me back. With that said, here's where I am. I finally got Vio's light emitting lava shader to work (with a little help from rich)...anyway, when I put it in, one of two things happens. One, it takes forever to compile (never finishes even after 8 hrs) or Two, it takes 20 min or so but then gives me the same error "too many unique lights on the grid" and when I go into the game, UBERBRIGHTNESS!!!.


So after much trial and error, I finally got it to work...kinda, looks like it decreased the fps even more, and when you fire the bryar blaster, you still can't see the laser bolts, and it also leaves odd shadows around some of the brushes in the Lava. I'm going to try and reduce the brightness of the shader and see if that helps.


Other than those problems, the map is basically done (at least ready for the 2nd beta testing). So once I figure out this set of problems, I'll start the testing. Thanks for you patience.


One more thing, I really want this map to turn out well, so I'm really taking my time with it to get it just right. I've spent countless hours running all over every inch of it to make sure it's fun, playable, (somewhat) realistic and bug free. I think my relentless testing of it will pay off in the end when ppl play it and have a blast :)

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Here's another update. First off, I took a break from the map for awhile, I was getting too frustrated with it and I needed to clear my head. I came back to it this weekend and basically went back to an older version where where things still worked (ie you could see the projectile, laser, blaster bolt, explosion etc) and then only added the light emitting lava and low and behold..it worked!


So now that it's working again, I'm trying to add just a little at a time (to possibly see where I went wrong before) and slowly get it back to where it was. I'll add a few new pics to my progress page either tonight or tomorrow morning. I've also decided to release a strictly duel version of this map (it will be smaller) and a full size for FFA/TFFA and later on CTF if all goes well.


Well that's it for tonight, I'm going to make a few changes to the map, and start the compile. Talk with you all soon.




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Excellent, glad to know you're stil working on the map.


I've had the same problems as well - you ad something to the map that should work and it screws up the whole thing! - I've even had up to 1/4 of my map just disappear!!! (I went to a backup but every time I saved the same thing happened, so had to go to an even earlier backup). Other recent problem I had where I made a prefab, brought it into my map and then every time I compiled the Sof2Map.exe would fail halfway through the compile!


Most frustrating!


BTW if youget some sort of Radiant error, check this page - it has been most helpful to me - it's a list of Radiant errors and what they mean.




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Thanks for the encouragement monsoontide and its nice to know I'm not alone when it comes having problems with map building :)

Thanks for the link too!


I just added a couple of new pics to my progress site, and I'll add a few more soon. If all goes well with the compile I just started, then all I really have left to do is create bot routes. Only problem is, I don't know how yet. But I have a few good tuts, so I'll figure it out.



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Here's a little update, by slowly adding things back in, I'm progressing to almost the point I was before. But a strange thing, when I put in the target_speakers (that were in a previous version) I lose the weapons discharge again (ie the laser bolts, rockets, etc). So now I'm putting them in a few at a time to see if its a particular target_speaker that is causing this. Maybe I just have too many and maybe that many target_speakers is just overloading the game memory or something? I don't know, it's a weird problem. Anyway, I'll get back to it.



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