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How do i make SP yoda the correct size??


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If you make a new npc for him (like jediyoda) scaling him (writing scale ## at the last line in newnpcs.npc) to about 55 or 60 will make him as short as he's in the movies.


There is a problem however:

The saber goes into the ground when he does some swings.

When it does that the saber gets shorter (try swinging the saber at a wall and you'll see what I mean) which means he misses his swing completely.


solutions: does anyone know how to scale sabers in sp? That would make him more like in AOTC (he DID have a short saber there, right).

solution2: Does anyone know how to make the saber ignite instantly (instead of growing slowly) in sp?


If anyone know how to do any of these things please tell me.

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No.... You're sure?

That seems to make him too thin.

First I tried to make him 20 but that was WAY too small.

Anyway I guess It would make him look pretty wierd with a small body and a huge (compared to the body) saber.

Well I keep editing, you might be right.

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in ATOC Yoda's lightsaber was about 75% the size of normal lightsabers, though, a normal size one would do fine.


and those other skins you saw for kyle were probably fakes, AFAIK, there is no possible way to make kyle smaller in SP

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His correct size should be about 40-45 in the scale variable. If you find my thread from earlier I already have a SP Luke->Yoda mod out there.


I've done many things with the NPCs.cfg file. Near as I can tell AT THIS TIME there is no way to scale Kyle the "player" in SP.

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Originally posted by Matt Shoemaker

In Attack of the Clones, Yoda comes up to around Obi-Wan's and Mace's knees. Setting Yoda to 36 makes him come up to around Kyle's knee.




That is correct. Also remember from ESB, Yoda fit into that backpack on Luke's back, which was no bigger than waste to neck level.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

His correct size should be about 40-45 in the scale variable. If you find my thread from earlier I already have a SP Luke->Yoda mod out there.


I've done many things with the NPCs.cfg file. Near as I can tell AT THIS TIME there is no way to scale Kyle the "player" in SP.


Is there a link to this mod anywhere? :D



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