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Raven & MOD (for top MOD's)


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Can you do everyone a favour, once you've completed your wicked MOD's, get the bast*rds at Raven to make then official.


Fed up of downloading MOD constantly then trying to find a server for them :)


Get Raven to release them as official MOD's so everyone has them, and everyone gets to use them.



Cheers :)




p.s. I know Raven have a problem where they dont like listening to what the community wants, so could you just listen to this one :) ta

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Zey, you don't know what you're talking about. Raven DOES listen to the community. Just because they don't post doesn't mean they don't listen. The "lack" of patches that people think there is is due to LEC's bastardness, not Raven. Raven doesn't have the call on that stuff. They're also not allowed to make it offical.

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Originally posted by razorace

Plus, releasing a third party's work as "official" takes a lot of legal work to get hammered out.






Good point mate....


Not every gaming network will put on MOD's, but from what i've seen, the MOD's that are coming out really should take the spot light and Raven/LEC should give them as much support as possible...


I know Raven have been helping certain MOD's, but they should release more info on what they use for modelling, Animations .... and things like the SP SDK Code..... so people can start building single player MOD's for people who cant access the internet.....

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

that's different. besides, cs is a sellout mod.



Terror, thats the most ridiculous thing I've heard u say. Not that you normally say ridiculous things, but because gooseman is smart, he's a sellout. Whatever. Even after they released Cs in the stores it was still officially available for free. But, i went out and bought it anyway, just because he deserved to make a little cash off what was at the time the best FPS out there. And now its Day of Defeat IMO, which BTW the DOD team are now in a partnership with Valve to make more DOD games. So are they sellouts now too. No thier not, their just smart kids who want to make a living in this world where the reality is that you have to have a job and make a buck to eat or do anything for that matter. And what, dont tell me you think they are sellouts if they make money doing what they enjoy. I mean what do you do for a living? Are you selling out or are you selling yourself short? (no offense, just trying to make a point bro) Anyways its just that same old attitude that everyone says bands that make it are sellouts. Its just BS.



BTW: For all I know your a millionaire wallstreet tycoon. But I'm just saying who are we to judge another man for such things. Anyways, again, I truly mean no offense to you man. Your cool. I just really don't agree with that, hehe :D

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Originally posted by Kinja

Even after they released Cs in the stores it was still officially available for free.

at that time it was stated that the retail version was just that little bit better than the free one. that's the angle i'm coming from.

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ery few developers, etc. (if any) release others work officially.

They would if the mods were as popular as CS, and if there was a good chance of making money off them.


Fed up of downloading MOD constantly then trying to find a server for them

Sheesh! Join a clan and quit whining. :rolleyes:


There were stacks of CS servers long before Value made it "official". If you can't find a server for a particular mod, it probably sucks.

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