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White boxes in MAX root.xsi skeleton


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Okay, this may really be a MAX question, but I've only seen this... this weird manifestation with the root.xsi skeleton that I imported into MAX 4.2. I can see bones, but there are these white-colored "boxes" or something that seems to be present at the base of every bone. These white... things... always appear to be the same size, no matter how much I zoom my view in or out. They are very distracting and I can't figure out what they are, what funtion they server, or how to hide them or change their color.


Although I've only had a limited experience with bones and Character Studio, I don't remember dealing with these... whatever they are... before. I have a really cool model that I'm ready to attach to the skeleton. But with all this white crap cluttering up my view of everything, I don't see how I'm going to be able to fit my mesh around the bones!


Hopefully this is a minor problem that can be easily remedied.


p.s. Why the heck can't I search the posts on any of the LucasForums? Whenever I try to search a forum, I get a "you can't search, piss off" message.

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I hate to bump my own thread, but I'm afraid that my question will be lost in this forum. I must again protest that I am unable to search any of LucasForums. Why have a search engine when no one can use it? I wish I was able to search this forum because maybe that way I would be able to find my answer.

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I tried to get rid of those white boxes too and I haven't been able too.


When you animate something a white box appears around the animated object in every frame that an animation change is made on that object. I think all bones have the white boxes they have an animation setting for that 1st and only frame that's available.


In ModView the first of all aniamtion cycles is the standard pose which is 1 frame long. I guess this frame is the only one you get with the root.xsi model.


Anyways .... What I do is hide the bones and other things that you don't need at that moment and set my resolution of my monitor high so I can tell things apart better.


Good luck! Making the model was the easy part of making a JK2 mod :)

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White boxes? you mean like when you select an object??? just press or drag the animation button forward and you wont see them anymore.


add more frames to the animation, mine was imported into a scene with 100 frames and it worked. maybe this wont work for everyone.


I've made player models for Quake III Arena. Will that experience help?


well yes and no, tagging is a bit more complicated, and weighting must be done manually instead of using character studio to lay out the basic skeleton weights.


If you made Quake 3 models, you will be able to make one for JKII.

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