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Yoda is soo HUGE!!!


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See, folks, a person with logic or one that's just not really damn lazy would have read the file description where it blatantly said you needed JediMod to use him short. But instead he goes, "OMFG OMFG YODA DL NOW OMG OMG.... HEY WTF HES BIG OSMEONE HELP ME PLZ KTHXBYE!!!"





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Originally posted by bomberman_xc

you have to type: mod_funsize 0.4 or 0.5, whichever you prefer, personally i think the 0.4 is about right. oh yeah, type it into the console, but i think you would know that already........ alteast i would hope you knew that.

no. that would make everyone scaled to .4 or .5, also yoda should be scaled at 0.36, technically.

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