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A useless weapon? I think Not.


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Now some of you may already be aware of this, but others may not. While going through the mines on my way to rescuing prisoners I found a useless weapon to be quite useful. Now, I think of these "Mine crawlers", which I refer to as "Teeth on legs", to be quite the vicious bastards. So, one day while cycling through my weapons showing my sister all I had accquired my sister asked, "What's that?". The weapon in question was in fact the stun baton. I said, "My stun baton." So i took it out and demonstrated. Unbeknownst to me, a "Teeth on legs" was approaching, it jumped into the baton and got shocked, I continued with this and it died, almost instantly. I went throught the whole of the level without ever taking damage from the "Teeth on legs", except when I was trying to save the base commanders ass. Simply follow these instructions. 1. Hold out baton in front 2. Crouch down 3. Hold fire button 4. Point at "Mine Crawlers 5. Watch them writhe in agony 6. Have fun

I discovered this went quite well with the tune I believe in miracles, replacing miracles with "shocking things, and you sexy thing with "you Teeth on legs". signing off, trojard88 :atat::deathstar:deathii::fett::cool:

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

hell the missions before lightsaber are the hardest in the game


For me it was the hardest levels to go through because I knew the saber was in the game and was having trouble figuring out the puzzles to get there.

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

man, all i used was the baton til i got the saber! with the ####ed up slow ass blaster bolts that even dumb stormtroopers sidestep, what else are ya gonna do?


hell the missions before lightsaber are the hardest in the game


I agree that levels before you get saber are the hardest levels

in the game but...


Do you say that you used stun stick agains those stormtrooper

armies ??? (what was the difficulty level ?? easiest ?)

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i beg to differ. the levels before you get your lightsaber were quite easy and repitious. if you're any kind of gamer, you are used to 1st person shooting and it was very easy for me.

i had the game mastered in 2 weeks.

if you dont believe me ask my brother, friends from school, etc... i had only one trouble on one level because i had too many saved files and my P.C. isnt the gratest so it lagged and caused me to miss a jump a number of times and it took me an hour or two, and i didnt use any walk throughs or strategy guides-other than that it was a cake walk and that was on jedi master level



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no i didnt cheat, i only cheat in game when im looking at #### for development ideas; i wasnt on a hard difficulty though, just jedi


its like using the knife/spade in day of defeat; only people i wouldnt do that too were blackshirts or any others that fire repeatedly/heavier guns - close range they can #### yer #### up; and i wouldnt use just the baton, id pick off some dumb standing sentries and #### with guns;


another thing i hate, is the way the crosshair moves; it makes it really hard to target when yer ducking in and out of cover - which is how i like to play, cuz its more realistic; i dont like doing the circle-strafe blasting; which is why i dont play DM based games anymore

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