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Wes Marrakesh

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thx Emon, it works now...

next question: Why do i get this error when i compile?

WARNING: areaprotal_(a number) doesn't touch two areas

even when i have checked that it is touching structural.. and aren't structural brushes supposed to block Vis? they don't seem to...

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areaportals have to completely fill the door they're inside, and this doorway has to be in a hallway. Portals never seem to work when you're trying to put one between two rooms that share a wall.


From top down view, put the area portal inside the door and make it only a few units thick. The thinner it is the better it seems to work.


Then switch to a horizontal view and make the brush flush with your door brushes.

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Is the room "sealed"?


Basically areaportals can also fail if there is a "leak" in your map that allows an entity to find another way of getting to the other side of the area portal.


Meaning if you hvae a room with two doors, you'll need two areaportals. If you have three doors, you need three portals.


And by sharing a wall i meant that one side of a brush is in one room, and the other side is part of the other room. I could forsee doing that with a hallway causing problems too.

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yes, it would be your windows that are breaking the areaportals.


And for george, the code that determines what parts of the map get drawn from any other part of the map is good for most situations, but sometimes it needs a little bit of help to get the absolute best speeds out of the map.


It's just a little computer program that does what it's told to do.. it hasn't been explained how to deal with every situation a mapper might create, so the good folks at id software put in features to enable a savvy map maker to tweak the compile process into getting the best case scenario.

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

so what is up with areaportals? i though that stuff was put in automatically during compile; why do you need to manually put areaportals in? i.e. what circumstances does it help?

You must put areaportals in areas where you want a brush-based entity (such as a door) to block VIS. If you do not, since entities do not block VIS (during compile), the room behind your doorway will be drawn even when the door is closed.

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People--you really, really gotta learn this.


I have seen quite a few maps that would have been great--but the lag kilt them cause there were no area_portals.


If you can master them there will be no--or little need for the complicated and conphusing hint brushes.

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areaportal would be like a dynamic hint brush.


It tells the game, when this door is closed, don't draw anything behind it.. even if it's in the potentially visible set (most folks call it PVS).


Hint brushes do nothing like that. The game may draw a part of the world, even if there's no possibility you can see it, if it falls into the pvs.


Hints are just that, hints. The game will use them as it sees fit.


Areaportals cannot be ignored, unless the room you are trying to portal "leaks" and the areaportal fails.

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