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What defense turrets will be in battlegrounds?

Guest Rogue15

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Well, there will be ant-mech turrets, which i assumme will be similar to the heavy artillary in FoCom, but i don't know. They also will have anti-air and anti-personal turrets, obviously.

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Guest xwing guy

Yeah as you upgrade your turrets from light, medium, and heavy they get stronger and more powerfull, and you of course have a anti air missle turret. The huge ion cannon is just something for the editor and the hoth mission to look at. It can't actually be built or used against other units.

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Guest Admiral Thrawn

Could just be something they have to protect, like AT-AT's have to kill it too win, Rebels have to defend it till their transports arrive.

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Guest ZeroXcape

You can expect to see mulitple defensive posts that each have their own advantage/disadvantage. I'm sure everyone's favorite is going to be the anti-air defesive post as it can keep almost any aircraft out of the sky.


One pretty sweet tactic is that you'll be able to garrison a few troops in medium sized defensive posts. Not only do they make the post stronger, but they also better protect your troops as well. In some cases, if an enemy comes in to attack: you can send everyone out and scare them away.

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

You can expect to see mulitple defensive posts that each have their own advantage/disadvantage. I'm sure everyone's favorite is going to be the anti-air defesive post as it can keep almost any aircraft out of the sky.


One pretty sweet tactic is that you'll be able to garrison a few troops in medium sized defensive posts. Not only do they make the post stronger, but they also better protect your troops as well. In some cases, if an enemy comes in to attack: you can send everyone out and scare them away.


yeah that's a good idea that i use with TC. i wonder if the line of sight of turrets will increase if you place units inside of them?

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I build up defenses and aircraft at the same time. Then if someone attacks me with heavy slow stuff, the turrets kill it. If they use long ranged stuff, then my aircraft kill it! :D

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Originally posted by General Nilaar

Rougue15 I find your sig WAY too depressing. I think of that enough on my own without having somebody else remind me of it. I spend most of my time trying to FORGET that very fact.


Stop putting me in a bad mood;)



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