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The Reek (aotc bull like arena monster) finished


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ya know there's a map of that arena, you should add this model into that map as background or something....unless that's already what your planning to do, along w/the other monsters. I wonder if in that map there's any way to make them run around and hurt people w/out beeing a bot w/a lightsaber or gun..

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Originally posted by bomberman_xc

I wonder if in that map there's any way to make them run around and hurt people w/out beeing a bot w/a lightsaber or gun..


how about replacing a minemonster with the reek and spawn them into a level they should have all their animations etc


oh yeah great model, hope it has sounds :)

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Well... A guy is already making the Acklay for our tc, and the Nexu.... well... I don't know... I didn't really like that one.


And yes, I AM told that Raven is helping us in the matter of animations and flying ship code. I'm not sure if it's rock solid or not, but I hope it is.

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Ya, melon, the models looks great, you've showed that you can get in there and tweak it to get the shape right. But you really do need to optimize that puppy. I can see tons of polys that are serving absolutly no purpose at all. Like that horn for instance. The horn should be only about 5 to 8 polys around. And that shoulder has a bunch of unecisary polys aswell. Again, great job though, really. You should be proud. Watching the polycounts is somthing you will get better at with experience, but I just wanted to give you the heads up. Keep it up man!

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I agree about the unneccesary polys...... but sometimes they have to be there or it just looks funky with smoothshading.. I have had it happen before... So I figure that I will let the polys be the way they are... Because it is a rather large model, and details will show up good with the polys.


I am attempting to skin it, but I'm not the best skinner around, so if I can't do a good job I'll give it to some one else.

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Holy flying monkeys!

I always thought that the Acklay or whatever was a evil alien spider doped up on steriods.. lol.


Great model, I think. Camera angle is a little... weird.. but I think it works. Raven's getting in this.. oh goody.. we are going to get to see a SP Lvl *randomly nudges people around the room* with these monsters actually attacking everyone..


Keep up the great work!




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