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what about mailing lucas


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You will find that things will go more your way after you pry that baseball bat out from your rectum, my friend. :) If you decided to email LEC with your gireviences about the game you'd most likely responses like:


Internet lag affects all games, not just LEC games. It sucks, but hey its the Internet. The people with better pings will have better gaming experiences than the higher pingers.


They didnt make the lightsabers look just like in the movies because a) they're entitled to some artistic license when making the game & b) the lightsaber look has changed from movie to movie. If you want there are plenty of blade mods that make them look more like the movie ones. I personally use the thicksaber mod & like it.


You cant choose saber hilts simply because it wasn't build into the game. People have made hilt mods & whatnot so you can change your saber hilts. Read a few readmes to get it done. But since it's not part of LEC's game they wont support any saber hilt problems you might have.


It's not like the game is like this to personally anger you. Calm down & enjoy the game. :)

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

I have to say, Bozkurt vs. DL was one of the most hilarious flame wars I have ever seen. Bozkurt, I'm with DL, USE SOME PUNCTUATION!!!


BTW, the game doesn't go insane if your ping's over 150. Mine is almost never below 150 and it does just fine. (Yes, I use 56k)




I do my best. Oh the things boredom will spawn :D

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I think we should go try and find Lucas. Then we could tell him PERSONALLY.


I would tell him his idea’s were brilliant, and that I’m glad that I have lived long enough to play this wonderful, wonderful game. May the force be with you!



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Hmmm... you both have goodp oints and i don't see what mailing lucasA's would do. Also the game goes far form crazy with s ping over 150. you can paly with 320 without kicking your modem out the window (i used to have a 56k)


If you look at his questions he isn't actually asking much.


1. Sabers don't look like the one's in the movies - Well it is a game and i'm sure they might one itme change it if it really bothered everyone


2.Hmmm... no that's jsut plain wrong


3. Er... no-one's stopping you.

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Originally posted by Cedrin

Exactly, and dont complain about your area not supporting DSL/Cable modem. Why did you move there in the first place if it didnt?


wow, what a constructive post. Naturally everyone suddenly moved house after broadband internet became available, so naturally everyone had a choice in the matter.


I've lived here since 33k was the norm, I can't afford to live somewhere else, so don't talk crap about our lack of broadband availability being our own fault.


Broadband interent was still a distant idea when I moved here.

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