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Planets question


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How are the developers going about giving each planet it's own 'feel' or make each distinctive? Besides the obvious textures difference and most likely sounds.


Is gravity going to vary from planet to planet?

Weather effects perhaps?


Anyone have some input?

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Gravity difference? I doubt that.


Weather effects? Definately. Since most, nearly all, MMORPG have different weather effects for different places, it would surprise me to no end if SWG had the same weather for all planets.


Hopefully, there will be large differences when it comes to planetary laws. That would be a great thing. Having some things being legal on some planets, and illegal on some (spices etc). Then the traders would have to choose whether to sell it legally, or smuggle it for increased gains but at the risk of getting caught.


Another detail could be to have different populations of NPCs on the planets. Having some races 'prefering' special planets and so on. This will be done, we'll only see jawa on tatooine for instance, but it will be interesting to see to what extent they'll do this.

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Well I hope the developers realize the sky is the limit with this aspect and run with it.


Varying degrees of gravity is a cool idea. I think it is nonsense to believe you will wiegh the same on every planet. I am not talking one planet is earthlike gravity and the next you jump 5 times as far or anything drastic. Just enough to notice, especially if you spend a lot of time on one planet then go to another one you can tell the difference (along with other things)


The laws you mentioned is a great idea.

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Well, since we heard that jumppacks are a no-no right now because the z axle is ####ed up, i guess gravity has to do with it. What wines up wines fown. town. down. But really, yeah, perhaps you could carry more on a small planet. And your strengtht would encrese if you are on a big planet. But it wont. Since attributes are not changed. But they can be changed if you change another attribute. Perhaps it could be easier to be dumber but stronger on a big planet then?


Because you get stronger on a big planet. Lots of that gravity stuff.

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i'm not sure if this is correct, but i recall seein in the features page about the planets on the official site that there were mentions about high-gravity/low-gravity on different planets...like endor for example, has low gravity...i figure there's no reason they would include that in the info about the different planets if they didn't plan to implement it in the game...any input?

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Well, the low/high gravity indications are according to the galactic standards, Coruscant gravity in other words. ;)

(this info is not intended for you, Set, I'm sure you are aware of this already :) )


This means that the Sanctuary moon of Endor, which has a lower gravity than Coruscant, is classified as a low-gravity moon.

And Endor (the gas giant), which has a higher gravity than Coruscant, is classified as a high-gravity planet (don't get hung up on the moon and planet examples of this comparisson. It really doesn't matter if it's a moon with higher or lower gravity or a planet with higher or lower gravity than Coruscant ;) ).


I fail to notice the low gravity of Endor in the movies, though :)

lol, ever notice how Luke and Co. can just fall several meters on their backs and arses and not brake anything? :D

Or when they fall off their speeders in those very high speeds? ;)

Or that ewok glider still airborn with rocks as ammo? :p

Or the very very tall trees everywhere? (ok, that last one isn't very obviouse in the movies, but the planet is descibed as having huge trees :) )


Anyway, I too remember they talked about varying degress of gravity on the different planets.


Weather will also be different from planet to planet.

Take Tatooine for instance. Not much rain falling on that planet. ;)

Then there's Naboo, which has all kinds of weather effects.


And another thing they will impliment to the planets are different day cycles.

Each planet will have longer, shorter, or equal day cycles according to the galactic standards (Coruscant standards).

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I think the law system will definately be fun to interact with.


Like Set said, it should be quite a thrill to be able to trade

stuff legally somewhere and illegally in other places, it will

acctually make due changes in the economy in which on

one planet item X will sell for less but if it's smuggled into

a planet where item X is banned, its cost will increase.


Ahh the many possibilites in the Star Wars Galaxies..universe....

(can I say that?)

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