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Shinra Mansion Level Help


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i have a question on the Shinra Mansion map, i have posted this in a different part of the forums, but i think i put it in the wrong place, so i am going to put it here, i dont' know if this is the right place either, so if you can help me that would be nice cause it is really bugging me.


I know there is a secret room in the shinra mansion level, but i don't know how to get to it, i know it is behind the red chair in the library, but i don't know how to get the bookcase to move/blowup/open, does anyone know how to do this? thanks

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cool secret I'll say... took me all but 5 minutes to figure it out... I was looking at the books just admiring the ENORMOUS amount of copies of Dante's Inferno which is one of my favorite books of all time and I noticed the book that was different... Immediately I had a flashback to Sesame Street when I was a toddler so very many years ago, a period in my life I hate to think about...


The flashback went something like this... four things in four corners of the television and the one in the lower right corner is something entirely different, the other three are the same and a little song that went "One of these things is not like the other, one these things is not the same."


So I took a closer look and it said "Sephiroth" on the cover. "Bonus" I said to my sister who was watching over my shoulder and then stuck my saber into the book to see if I could trigger something and it did. I suspected a secret room behind the desk because it was there in FF7 and the level is faithfully maid, so I looked to the desk and saw nothing... Then I heard something close behind me, hit the switch and saw the Sephiroth painting had moved to the side.


I went over there and jumped up and thought "Hmm, FF7 logo... Nobody just sticks a logo like that in a cavity behind a painting unless there's a purpose... I chucked a thermal in and heard another sound when it detonated, it came from behind me, I ran to Vincent's room and heard a closing sound from one of the coffins.


So I went back and did it again and chucked a thermal into the coffin and heard a door open back from the desk are and ran back there and into the big room back there...


And there was Aeris's face under the floor... and a veritable treasure trove to fill me up on ammo for everything except one of my favorite boobytrap toys, the remote detonators. Plus two of the little seeker balls... Hmm, maybe the author likes to have one up at all times? Apparently he activates one the moment he picks it up and then saves the other for when the first wears out... Some people are too easy to figure out.




A puzzle is only as good as the IQ of the person who designed it... And the person who designed this one appears to have a fetish for full ammo and probably heads there first thing when he joins the level expecting no one to even suspect there is such a secret...


I'm probably not far off because I had 6 people on my server the other day trying to figure it out... Every five minutes I'd open the door behind the desk from behind it and fire a bunch of rockets and they'd all scatter and start over on trying to figure it out...


It's kind of sad because they all kept begging me for the answer and I wasn't about to go exposing the author's secret hiding place...


But I guess I have in this post...

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