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We have revised our basic introductory message. Have a read.



We are a Neutral Crafting Player Association (PA) which will participate in the upcoming Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) Star Wars Galaxies (SW:G), being released in December of 2002 (we all hope). We are currently welcoming new members, and have no foreseeable membership cap.


We are an association crafters, not a company or a corporation. Our focus is on creating an environment where crafters throughout the galaxy can come together to train one another, exchange goods and occasionally combine technical skills by working together to design and produce large achievements such as vehicles, star fighters, defense systems, et cetera. Our membership includes miners, designers, manufacturers, repair and modifications experts, soldiers and even politicians. We welcome any profession, just remember our focus is on crafting. Specifically, we will train members in the following areas, as well as produce ourselves: droids, vehicles, spacecraft and weaponry but we have the flexibility to diversify.


Each member has the right and freedom to own and run their own business, with some portion of their time dedicated to training new members and helping produce special CoreTech products. In return members will receive the latest training in their profession, the best raw materials, designs, subcomponents, and modifications in the galaxy. Furthermore, you are not alone and unprotected as a CoreTech crafter. Our well-trained Security Force will defend you and your possessions from criminals.



I truly believe that we will be a sucessful association since we have a handful of dedicated members already working consistantly to setup this association before the game is released.


Please look at our website:



Epoiisa Lon

for the council of CoreTech


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